
Saturday, July 8, 2017

I'm back, back again!


I am back after a very long hiatus. My decision to return was brought on by how much is going on in my life; good and bad. I need an outlet for my thoughts and everything else going on.

I am now 31 years old soon to be 32, normally I would say something along the lines here of “oh where has the time gone” or “I am so old”, but I am not going to because I don't feel that way at all. At this point in my life I am happy, happy with me, my life, the way things are going and everything else.

Being the proud mom of 2 amazing boys is quite the adventure. My oldest son will be 8 this year, crazy this adoptive parents are amazing have raised thus far the most kind and giving little boy. My youngest will be 3 this Aug. He is strong willed, confident and independent to a fault. Apparently he is just like his mother, I wouldn't have a clue about that one!

Stopping fostering dogs for a while was one of the hardest things I had to do, sadly Ace is aging. He has no tolerance for pups and barely puts up with bossco. We went on a 12KM hike and for almost 2 weeks after he could barely walk, I felt like the worst dog mom ever. Until he is ready to cross the rainbow bridge my efforts with rescue will have to be through volunteering and helping in any other way they could possibly need. Both dogs adore Blaine most days, they act like brothers.

The decision to close the cake business came when the pain in my shoulder no longer allowed me to even roll fondant anymore. Oh how I miss the creations and wonderful cakes but I just couldn't keep up anymore. I still do them for friends, family and the Sarnia Humane Society but that's about it.

M&B Creative Creations has taken on a life of its own, my goodness has it become crazy busy but I love every minute of it. Creating items that people are shocked by and think are just perfect. Seeing the little and big ones in the outfits we made just warms my heart. Within the business we are able to help many in need with donations and support.

My body is still and likely will always be a hard thing for me to deal with. I still teach cardio kickboxing but its free classes. I struggle daily with food and the way I look.

Over the past month or so I have started my own self recovery which I will explain in other posts. Its exciting and like a weights been lifted.

I look forwarding to giving you all the details and such from over the past little while!!!!

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