
Wednesday, July 19, 2017

M&B Creative Creations

Almost 3 years ago a friend of mine and I started a business together. It started out small and only doing tutus and bows.

Slowly over the years it has turned into us doing everything from sewing, tutus, bows, birthday invites and even embroidery. We do about 30 orders a week right now on top of doing shows in the community.

We love our business although you can tell some days that we spend way to much time together. Her youngest and Blaine are pretty much the same age. They play well together most days but being together everyday has created a brother/sister type of relationship so they tend to fight as well.

Right now the items that are ordered most are our custom shirts, we just started doing them last year and we have gone from strictly iron ons to vinyl for everything that we can.

We are lucky that we can do so much for our community. We donate to every event and online auction, we help out where ever we can and we also make weighted blankets for Autism Ontario, Weighted blankets when used correctly help with a multitude of things. Another item we make and donate are Gtube covers, theses help protect the delicate skin of infants that require feeding tubes, these we make in fun designs like batman!

Being in a community like we are, there are of course other small businesses similar to ours but not the same. Many places don't do EVERYTHING so you have to contact a different company to do each of the items you are wanting.

Events are fun, but hit and miss on sales depending on the type of traffic and of course the amount of traffic. We enjoy doing grand bend, lots of people and it is nice out there.

My favourite thing to make right now would have to be the stretchy car seat covers. So many fun fabrics to make them out of!

About a month ago our business became fully self supporting, it of course doesn't pay dividends yet but we are hopeful that within a year it will be.

We find our selves trying to stay away from pinterest because its too much pinterest ideas too little time in a day!

Do you enjoy crafting?

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