
Sunday, July 9, 2017

Bucket List

Only old people make bucket list right? and only because they didn't get to do enough exciting things in their younger days right?

Wrong! I created a bucket list a few actually. One for spring/summer, one for fall/winter of things I want to do and things I want to do with my son.

I created a huge bucket list of things I want to do before I can't enjoy them as much as I would now. A couple things have already been crossed off and I plan to do so many a year. After I empty my bucket I plan on refilling it with more exciting things to do.

Here is my bucket list

Shoot guns. We have a local outdoor gun range I just need to book a date.

Go to the a drive in movie. There a drive in place not to far from here I just have never been.

Go to PEI. I love our coasts and this has always been a dream of mine to travel Canada.

Spend Canada Day in Ottawa. Who wouldn't want to party in their country's capital on its birthday.

Go to Vancouver. Of course another one of our beautiful coasts that must be seen in person.

Visit Salem which house. These places are said to contain the spirits of those pasted and you can feel their energy.

Scotland. I think this would be on the bucket list of most who would want to travel.

Greece. My oldest son goes here every summer and spends a few weeks. I want to travel there not because he does but because I want to see the ruins of the gods.

Travel on a plane. Yes I have never been on a plane, it has to do with fear of heights, yes I know I have to travel by plane to many of the places I want to visit.

Kiss under mistletoe. I know, I know who lives under a rock and hasn't done this yet, well surprise I haven't :)

Pin up photo shoot done. These have always looked like so much fun and I love the way they dress.

Waltz. The dance that makes you feel like a princess, as long as you don't have 2 left feet.

Experience Zero Gravity. Its like being in space without leaving earth!

Swim with dolphins. No not the kind you go south and pay to swim in a tank with them, I think that's cruel. I want to swim with wild ones and just be near them.

Chocolate Festival In Burges. OMG chocolate!!!!

Rebuild my dream car. This has been a dream since I was small and working on cars with my dad. I want to find the car of my dreams in some dudes barn and do all the work on it.

Northern Lights. The beauty that is beyond words.

Red sand beach. This I have to see!

Hold a Monkey. No not at a zoo but at a wild life sanctuary I promise not to put it in my packet and bring it home!

Kissing Photo is a Photo Booth. I have never even done a photo booth because I always thought they were corny.

Grow my nails. This is a work in progress. I  stopped biting my nails a year a go, ya me, so they grow not but they just break off so easy :(

Volunteer at a wild life reserve. I may never come home from this one.

Backpacking. I want to backpack across a country, just small country though

Make my own cookbook. This one I am on the fence about I want to so my family recipes don't just stop with me. My sister doesn't cook much and she is not a baker so I guess the cookbook is the way to go.

Kiss under a waterfall. No not just a big fountain a real waterfall, which Canada has many of.

Hold a Kola. Not one that is at the zoo, again cruel. One in a wild life sanctuary or reserve.

Message in a bottle. This I should just do. I do live on a river after all! but at the same time is it considered littering? would it hurt the aquatic life?

Visit Wonka land. OMG CHOCOLATE, and who knows maybe they have umpa lumpas...I wonder if they are shorter than me.

Be shut up with a kiss. I don't understand why this one hasn't happened yet. I talk enough it should of. SIGH

Carve something into a tree. This I will do on my next hike up north. As long as I don't forget

Murder Mystery Train. This is something my best friend and I want to do together!

West Coast Trail in BC. I know I will never get to hike the entire thing but I would love to at least hike a few days on it.

Hike the Bruce trail. I have hiked parts of this trail and doubt I will get to hike the whole thing but I would like to hike more than what I have of it.

East Coast Trail in Newfoundland. This trail right here will be my starting point for hiking over night trails!

Hike the skyline trail in Alberta. This is where I will get to see my northern lights

Visit Baniff National Park. Because who wouldn't want to.

Drive a motorcycle. no not ride on the back I have done that since I was young. I know this may never happen because holding up a bike isn't an easy task but I can dream :)

Sleep in a hammock Dear god these things scared the crap out of me as a child and still kind of do as an adult, its a falling thing.

Visit Duffs. Duff is my cake idol. He is my mentor and who I love. He is a cake genius

Hug a penguin Now here is my problem with this. I am not traveling to the antarctic to hug one so I might have to do this at a zoo :(

Drive a race car. I actually just found out that near me is a race track that offers this!!!

Professional Make over. I don't wear make up ever. but I want to have a day where someone does my hair, make up and picks the perfect outfit for me. No idea how this would ever come to be though

Rock Climbing. Yes the girl who is so scared of heights wont even stand on a chair. In grade 8 we went rock climbing. I chickened out part way up and couldn't do it. I regret that want to give it ago again.

Sleep in an igloo. Yes this is a thing and I think it would be so cool.

Learn to Dance. I can dance, well if you call it that but I want to learn to dance properly like 2 step or something lol

Paint slip and slide. Yes we are doing this, this summer with the kids its going to be amazing!!

Have abs. even if its just one lol

Explore caves. There are caves in Alberta that I would love to explore.

Ride a horse on a beach. I rode a horse for the first time last year with a girl friend of mine, It was amazing. Now I want to do it on a beach.

Penny Date. First, make sure you have a date and a penny. Then, get in the car. Tell your date to pick a number between 1 and 20: Whatever number they pick is the number of turns you have to take. Flip the penny; heads equals a right turn and tails equals a left.

Tree Camping. This looks amazing.

Hike the Canadian Rockies. Not the whole Rockies just like the lower parts :)

Ireland. This is actually going to happen sooner rather than later with my best friend!

Travel on a train. I have never traveled on a train before and I think it would be a great way to see Canadian.

Compete in Muderlla. This her scares the crap out of me. I need to be in better shape than I am at the moment endurance wise anyway. I am hoping to compete next year.

Date Jar. You put 52 dates in a jar pull one weekly and go on it.

Islands of England. The beauty is all I have to say about that.

Breakfast with Zebras. This will happen at the wild life reserve.

Take a photo everyday for a year. I tried to start this year, but didn't keep up with it, oh well next year.

Kiss on top of a fariswheel. I don't do heights so this one here is important to me.

Most of the things on my bucket list are things that scare the daylights out of me. I want to push myself to come out of my comfort zone and live life to the fullest.

Whats in your bucket?

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