
Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Pinterest! Mozzarella Sticks

Who doesn't love bar food? I know personally I love those platters you can get with all sorts of different things on it such as potato wedges and wings. Sigh such great tasting food, far too much deep fried crap.

I was craving amazing Mozzarella sticks like no other and I also had crescent rolls in the fridge that needed to be used before they expired. I have no idea why I buy them we have never eaten them before, but every time they go on for a dollar I "have" buy them. Most end up just getting tossed so this time I decided why not give the Mozzarella sticks a try that use the rolls to cover them.

This is a super simple recipe even can be done with the help from the wee ones.

This is my simplified version of the recipe, below it you will find the link to full recipe if you require lots of detailed instructions

What you need:

Tube of crescent rolls
Mozzarella cheese strings
Pizza Sauce
Italian seasoning

What to do:

Set your oven to 375. I set mine to 350 because it always runs hot and then everything burns
Put parchment on you cookie sheet, saves on a ton on scrubbing.
Cut your cheese strings, I got 4 pieces from each cheese string
Open your tube hopefully without scaring the crap out of yourself, thankfully mine didn't do that giant POP
Melt your butter and add your spices to the butter
Put a bit of pizza sauce on each triangle dough piece. Now here I cut my triangles in half because I am not a huge fan of a lot of dough.
Roll your cheese up in the dough
Put them on your cookie sheet, put a bit of the butter sauce on them
Toss them in the oven for about 13 mins.

This is the link to the actually recipe

Now my review of this recipe. I didn't like it and I wont be making it again. I don't like the dough on them. Stay tuned for my other trials to find the perfect baked mozzarella stick!

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