
Saturday, July 8, 2017


My search started in September 2016 for a preschool, an actual preschool not this day care stuff. I work from home my child doesn't need daycare and I wanted him school prepared not babysat.

First off you need get on the waiting list early because spots at a real preschool are very hard to come by. I was picky about what I was looking for an happened to find it in a town about 20 mins from us.

The teachers are amazing, the school is amazing and it is, I am pretty sure, the only one like it anywhere in our area.

Children in the PELP program attend 2 days a week for 5.5 hours, if its a month with an extra week we have to pay for those two days which isn't and issue at all. They are served 2 snacks and hot lunch everyday. Each parent is asked to bring in snack once a month for all the children which I don't mind doing at all, it allows me to get creative. Once a month parents have to go in and clean for about an hour.

If you haven't guessed its a co-op and it is a not for profit which for me is amazing! I helped as much as I could this year with anything they needed and I will be joining the bored of directions in Aug, heres to hoping I get the Vice Present spot that has been vacant for far to long.

Blaine was smart from the get go and when I got his review in June he was doing great in all aspects! There were a couple things we need to work on his F's they come out like B's (He says bish instead of fish, sounds like bitch lol we all get a good giggle). He couldn't pull his pants up over his diaper, which he can now do and he can't put his own coat on.

The school runs on the support of the government which is bare minimum, support of the parents and the community as well.

At first he would cry every day when I dropped him off for about 20 mins, but after a week he was doing great and talks about his friends there still. Now that its summer he misses school a lot.

Originally I wasn't going to send him to preschool at all, figured whats the point if I want to home school. I decided the social aspect of it was important for him, he loves other kids and loves playing with them, even gets sad when they have to leave the park.

As a parent who was picky about where my son went and what he would be doing all day I suggest you don't give up, call every preschool, go visit, spend the time getting to know the teachers and environment your child will be learning in and never ever forget to follow your childs lead if after a few weeks they still freak out when going then something could be wrong! Follow your childs cues, ask questions even at 2 they can tell you what they like and don't like, communicate with the teachers and if your child is still not comfortable there find another one. Your childs first experiences with education can make or break them for life just remember that!

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