
Monday, July 17, 2017

Blaine update July 2017

Time flies when your having fun!! Blaine will be 3 years old Aug 5th. Its crazy how fast they grow and learn.

He is day time potty trained. Night time is a different story. He hates wearing diapers now and yes tells me when he has to pee and poop I don't even ask him unless its right before we head out. Blaine has a new obsession of peeing in the grass so hey it works for when we are outside or at a park with no bathroom the life of raising boys!

He is super smart, loves to make friends, plays and shares well with others (most of the time).

Last summer I created a list of everything that Blaine needed to know before he started kindergarten.
I went online and I searched for lists, every list was different. So I created a master list from each of those lists.

Blaine loves being outside, hiking, walking, the park, the beach and just exploring everything! He makes friends everywhere we go. Right now his favourite colour is Purple and he likes to play cat and mouse. We love going to the animal farm but he slightly scared of the animals this year, other than the bunnies. He loves food, not a fan of meat but that's okay. Loves his fruit and veggies. He speaks very well and NEVER stops talking, but I love it. We play cars most of the day and build with blocks. He is scared of pretty much every bug which is weird because I am not and have always exposed him to them.

Blaine is in preschool 2 days a week from Sept to June. He loves it and now that it is summer he asks about it at least once a day. His favourite people right now are Mommy and Grandpa. My child is stubborn and hard headed, has to learn everything the hard way and sometimes more then once lol.

I love to watch him just playing pretend with his cars and tools. Oh he has to fix everything :)

What to know before kindergarten list:

Write first name
Tell if 2 words rhyme
Identify patterns
Letter Sounds (He knows some but not all)
Practice Letters
Put Coat on
Count to 20 (He can count to 17 so far)
Do up Zippers (He can do them up and undo them as long as you start it)
Read a book ( We are working on this he can recognize words in some books as we read along)

Do up buttons
Practice Phone Number
Tie Shoes
Identify colours (He knows all colours including teal and beige)
Follow Directions (He can follow simple directions with under 5 steps)

Match Capital and Lower Case letters
Put on Backpack (He can do this no problem)
Rhyme Words
Practice Address
Wash Hands (yup hes got that)
Practice Scissors (He is very good with scissors including holding and cutting properly)
Put Pack on hook
Write 1-10
Wipe Nose (He has been able to wipe his nose on his shirt since about 15 months old lol)
Know Birthday
Cough into elbow
Shapes (He knows all of his shapes, we are working on the harder ones such as Hexagon)
Drink of fountain (He has been able to do this since he was a year old)
Count Objects (He can count objects, and knows just looking at ones that are under 5 pieces what they are without counting out loud)

Stand in line
Say ABC's (well he has most of these but not ALL just yet)
Open lunch pail
Know moms name (He just learned my "second name" about a week ago)
Know dads name (He has known and been able to say his dads "second name" since he was about 17 months)

Sight words
Hold a pencil
Identifies gender
Sort items
On, beside, under (he knows and can show you this)
Stop/go (He knows this and what lights mean go and what mean stop)
Hop on one foot (He can stand on one foot but it would appear he has my balance lol)
Take turns (He knows how to take turns and wait his turn)
Glue and paste (he is not a fan of arts and crafts but knows how to glue things onto paper and together)
Share (Yes he can do this, some days he is better at it than overs)

String Beads
Tidy up (yes he knows how to do this, if he will or not is another story)
Draw lines
Complete 9 piece puzzle (With help he can do the 10 piece ones but not into doing them alone)
Trace Lines
Put Pictures in Order
Cute paper with one hand (He can cut lots of things with one hand, not just paper)
Make a pancake, snake, ball from play doh
Big/Little (He knows how to tell objects are big or little, people, animals etc)
Throw a ball (He can throw way more than just a ball)

Sort by size
Sort by colour
Fast/Slow (Yes and he will tell you if he is going fast or slow. If a car is going faster or slower than us)
Balance on 1 foot (for about 5 seconds)
Petal a bike
Ask for help (Yes and give help when needed)
Sort by shape
Rain, Clouds, Snow (Knows all of these and hates that snow is cold)
Use manners (He has used manners in one way or another since he was just over a year, but now he knows them all and when to say each one)
Say Last name (He can say his first and last name)

Raise hand
Draw a person
Tells stories (He can tell you lots of stories)
Know age (as he has this one when asked and will even show you how many 2 is on his fingers)
Draw a circle
Know the genders
Draw a square
Act out a story

He hasn't gotten them all yet but I think its a pretty good start. One more year until he is off to Junior Kindergarten. I am still debating between home school and private school

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