
Friday, July 14, 2017

Product review: Jamberry Nails

As a business we are at a lot of vendor shows and I always love to look at the pretty nails from Jamberry nails. They have so many amazing colours and designs!

After years of looking at them I decided to buy and try them. Well let me start by saying next time I should video tape it so I at least don't look like I am talking to myself, and I am the LEAST girly girl you will ever meet. I don't even own a tube of lipstick.

It was an interesting experience to say the least. I get everything together, I had to buy nail polish remover, cotton balls and this nail kit thing to clean up my nails. All of which I got at the local dollar store. I get everything out including a hair dryer which only gets used when my sister does my hair.

I open the nails, look at the back of the package, it says follow the instructions for putting them on. I am thinking awesome there is going to be steps and the lady selling them made it sound super easy, I got this. Yes all of this is out loud, good thing my dog was with me or people would start to think I am losing it.

Pull out the nail wraps sooo cute dragonflies, I love dragonflies and butterflies and dogs, just a heads up they have cat wraps but no dog ones. I look inside the package for the instructions, hummm there's nothing in here but the nails. Okay don't panic, we got this, as the dog gives me the "we could be snuggling" look. I remember what the lady said on how to do this.

Okay here we go nail wraps on the table, looking at them looking at my fingers, who the hell made these giant man nail wraps. I go about cleaning my nails FYI nail polish remover in a cut equals OMG IT BURNS!!! I cut the nails in half like the lady said to do because each sheet gives you enough for 4 hands. Well apparently my nails are so small one sheet has enough for 8 hands my size.

Putting the first nail wrap on, I pull it off the sheet, press it on my nail, making sure there are no air bubbles, by the way this worse than the screen things for cell phones. I get it all flat and pretty, I trim the end off, well for crying out loud that created more bubbles, its okay we got this i smooth it out again. I turn the hair dryer on and watch the dog run for his life and at this point I am thinking he has the right idea. I heat my nail and wrap for 30 seconds and press hard for about 10 seconds.

After that mess I learned to cut the wraps in half to fit my nails better and trim before smoothing them out.

After an hour I have them all on both hands! Left hand is far harder to put them on than the right hand. They look so pretty!

Not long after I had them on the burning starts. FML they must contain latex :( well then off they come. They came off easy as they were not sticking right for me. This could be caused by a few things such as; I suck at being a girl or I just don't have the patience.

They are a cool product and you can get them for about 19.00 a sheet. They are supposed to last a week which is great for those of you who love to have your nails done all the time.

Would I try them again? No thanks I am good without burning fingers and besides pretty nails are not really my thing!

I suggest you give them a try they would be great fun for a little girls party or a girls night!

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