
Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Bullet Journal

Its just a trend that I am 100% sure of, but I fell hard for it and I am in love! My problem is I suck at keeping up with something like that daily. So the daily, weekly list you can put in it are useless for me. I do have a daily to do list that I write out the night before to remember everything I have to do for the day.

I need to redo my book these pictures kind of suck, I will take new photos once I get my new book finished.

This page in my book is about Blaine, it is everything that he needs to know before he starts school in Sept 2018. I am still on the fence about homeschooling him. Once he finishes this list I will move on to things he needs to know for Grade one!

Books I would like to read. This list is a growing list!!!!

As you can tell I am not even close to an artist and you don't need to be, there are a lot of posts and pinterest ideas out there for doing special fonts or cute things. That's not my thing, I like simple and well I suck at drawing.

Everyone needs a bucket list page!!! We all have things we want to do at some point in our lives. Even if its small things. It was fun to write this out and as I wrote it out I thought of more things that I want to do or experience.

Most posts say your book should start with a glossary, mine on the other hand starts with my yearly goals!! This is important to me because every time I open this week I look at and see where I am at in my life. As you can see it is almost Sept. and I haven't even done one thing yet. Its been a busy year to say the least.

This is my favourite page in the whole book. This is my 3 week meal plan. I do it with post it notes so I don't have to rip pages out every week. I am able to just pull one shopping list out each week!

Spring/Summer bucket list. I made this of things I wanted to do with Blaine this year. We have done a few things on the list and a lot more to do yet. My goal was to enjoy everyday of the nice weather and we have been doing just that.

There are a lot more pages that were in my book until it got wet, the joy of children! I will update this post with pictures from the new book and soon as I get it finished.

Pages missing:

My blog ideas list
Monthly workout challenges
Debt pay off
Project process
TV tracker
Places I want to take Blaine
What makes me happy
Summer Sch.
Bosscos Training list

I used to keep daily, weekly, monthly cleaning lists in it as well as some other lists but I just never kept up with it so whats the point.

Do you keep a bullet Journal? What lists do you have in yours?

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