
Monday, July 24, 2017

Movie: Fences

Just watching this movie the other day, it was one I have wanted to walk for a long time. Thankfully I have an android box and I didn't have to pay a rental fee or see it in theaters because in my opinion it wouldn't be worth the fees. It wasn't a horrible movie by far but not even close to my even top 20 movies. Now it may be that I am just not understanding what the story was supposed to be about, but I feel it jumped stories too much.

I understand they they were trying to highlight life for someone from the 1950s who grew up in harsh conditions and raising a child when black people were just starting to get the same rights as whites. What I don't understand is where or why this other women came into play. In all honestly it could be just me, but it felt like a bunch of the story was missing. His marriage appeared perfect, he loved and was attracted to his wife. Was an asshole dad, and took forever to build a fence.

I wouldn't say don't watch it; however, at the same time I wouldn't say run out and rent or buy it now either. Maybe if you had nothing else to watch because ALL your shows are on break and you have seen all the other movies you want to see, then watch it, other than that I give it 2/5 stars.

I am usually pretty easy going with movies and enjoy watching them especially when they are about the past, history, war, etc etc there is always something new to learn even if the movie is not based on a true story.

Have you seen the movie? What is your opinion about it?

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