
Monday, July 31, 2017

Personal Trainer!

When Blaine was just over a year old I took the personal trainer course through the YMCA to be certified for my cardio kickboxing clients. I did the first half and passed with flying colours. I was scheduled to do the second half when Blaine got pneumonia, he was very sick so I had to cancel and not go. Which means I never finished and never actually got certified.

I have decided that I am at a point in my life I would like to say to my clients, "Yes of course I am certified and I keep up with my yearly training". I know if the world of fitness you don't have to be and it really means nothing to anyone. A certified personal trainer could suck at it, and someone who isn't certified could be awesome at it. This time I am going to go through CANFIT PRO because it is USA and Canada recognized, not that it matters, but when you ask someone they normally know what Canfit Pro is.

There are lots of reasons to become a personal trainer and my reasons for wanting to become one is the same reasons I love to teach cardio kickboxing, helping others reach their goals. Many people want to become one because of the money there is to be had in the fitness industry, well not me, I pick 5 clients to coach each 6 months for free and I don't charge much for coaching when I do charge.

As a fitness coach you don't need to look like a super model or be built like an MMA fighter, most people find those two extremes to be unattainable and intimidating. Am I fit yes, is it a daily process yes, did it happen over night god no, do I slip up, of course I do I am only human too.

As a coach I am real, I know your struggle because I have and I do struggle with the same things daily. I am a mom, I run a small business, have a house, animals, and of course my fitness clients.
I learn from my clients just as much as I teach them, each person, each situation and each moment is a moment to learn something new. My clients feel comfortable being open and honest with me because I am that with them and I do not judge. Being a judgemental coach is useless and the only place its going to get you is client-less.

Shaking things up, I coach different than many other coaches because I coach to what you need and want. I offer meal planning, shopping lists, one on one work outs, group work outs, work out plans, measurements, daily tips, monthly photos, almost 27/4 help. I want photos of what your eating,  you need to be accountable for not working out. At the end of each month each there is a prize for the one who worked the hardest and best stuck to their plan.

You can work out everyday, you can lift tones of weights, but if you don't change your eating habits, portion sizes and thinking about food nothing will ever change for you. The sayings weight loss is 80% in the kitchen 20% in the gym is true, you can eat whatever you want in small amounts, you can't eat whenever you want late in the day because your less likely to even move much because you are beyond tired from working, chasing the kids and cleaning that food will turn to fat. You can't starve yourself but you can't eat 2000 cals every meal either.

We all tend to have this mindset that we want to look "perfect" and of course everyone's idea of perfect is different but here is the thing, its not about having the "perfect" body its about feeling good about yourself, having energy, enjoying life and just being all you can be. Overeating and undereating may seem like too completely different issues but they are just two sides of the same coin. The struggle is with food, changing your mind set and thinking and creating new life long good habits. Are you going to be 100% everyday for the rest of your life? NO but you will wake up every morning knowing you will do your best to eat good foods and move as much as you. You will wake up knowing each morning is a new day, a new beginning and a new chance to give it your all.

All it takes it one step! Are you going to take that step?

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