
Friday, July 14, 2017

Random Acts Of Kindness July

When doing someone for another like holding the door open or allowing an older person to go first I never think of it as a random act of kindness. It was how I was raised and its called respect for others. I don't care if you 10, 100, male or female I will wait and hold the door for you. Random Acts of Kindness have become the new "in thing" which I think is great, donating food to the shelter, walking dogs for the humane society, things like that are great acts of kindness. Holding the door, using your manners, talking to your neighbours, thing like that are NOT random acts of kindness they are and all will be respect things and should be done period no questions asked its just something you do.

I try and do a random act of kindness at least once a week. If its picking up an extra bag of dog food for the shelter, paying for the coffee of the person in line behind me, etc. I want to show my son the difference between what is expected of him daily and what is a good deed/act of kindness.

Today my random act of kindness was paying for the coffee behind me at drive through. I don't need a pat on the back or a big thank you. I just wanted to make someone else smile. Maybe they were having a bad day, or just in a mood. I hope what I did made them stop for a minute and smile.

Everyday, all day we have small moments to make another persons/animals life a little brighter, a little easier and a little bit kinder. We don't live here alone and although we seem to have become a community of few words spoken to each other we all still deserve the respect of a door help open, a head nod or just a smile.

What have you done that has been selfless lately?

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