
Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Cardio Kickboxing: July's Challenge

Summer is here, it is hot and everyone already wanted to have their beach body. Well surprise even if you managed to get the body you wanted before summer started you have to maintain it. In spite of all that amazing summer food and drinks that you want to indulge in, you have to keep up with everything just the same as if you were trying to get the body of your dreams.

Congratulations if you got your body, I am almost there but not exactly where I want to be yet.

This months challenges are sit ups and drinking your water!!

Now if I had been posting like I should have been you would have known that each month we have a fitness challenge and a health challenge. You would also know that on the last day of the month you not only have to do the 100 sits up you have to do all the challenges from the months prior.

So far we have had 100 Squats, 100 crunches and now this month it will be 100 sit ups so on the 31st of July everyone will be doing 100 squats, 100 crunches and 100 sit ups as well as the rest of the days cardio kickboxing work out.

We used to do our work outs a tad different but as per the classes liking I changed them around.

What one of my cardio kickboxing classes look like

30 crunches, 20 jumping jacks, 20 bicycle crunches, 30 knee highs, 30 laying toe touches, 30 butt kickers, 20 reverse crunches, 5 jump squats, 30 bicycle crunches, 10 front kicks per side, 15 right side ups, 30 mountain climbers, 20 reverse crunches, 5 burpees, 15 left side ups, 20 jumping jacks, 10 laying leg lifts, :30 seconds jump rope, 15left side plank  knee to elbow, 5 jump squats, 30 crunches, 10 back kicks per side, 15 right side plank knee to elbow, 30 jumping jacks, 40 Russian twists, :40 jump rope.

Now we partner up or shadow box depending on the number of students

Combos 1-4 2 mins
30 Alternating hooks
Combos 1-4 with front kicks 2 mins
30 Alternating Jabs
Combos 1-4 with sit ups 2mins
30 Alternating Knees
Combos 1-4 with knees
30 Alternating upper cuts

30 round house kicks per side.

Switch partners or if you are shadow boxing and would like to run through it again.

Then we finish with yoga
Its new yoga every month and no 2 classes are ever the same!

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