
Sunday, July 9, 2017

Summer Schedule

Ah summer!! The time of the year where you want to spend every minute outside soaking up as much sun as possible because we all know winter comes too soon and winter in Canada is cold and boring.

This year I wanted to pack as much as possible into summer for my son, he loves to explore and I didn't want him to be overly bored without preschool. Being that he is an only child life for him is spent playing with the dogs, playing alone with toys or playing with mommy/daddy. I am sure we are not as much fun as the other kids.

We plan to visit a new place every week. Such as Legoland. I am super excited about that one!

I run a small business at home so it allows me to set my own schedule. My child likes to start his day between 6am and 7am, I on the other hand would like to start mine around 8am.

This is a peek at our schedule!

Library. Our has a little play center and he can pick his books out to read for the week. They also have arts and crafts in the one corner and other activities all summer long. We will spend the whole morning here because he loves it.
After lunch is free play, my business partner brings her kids and they play while we work for a couple hours.
We eat early at about 4pm in the summer as I teach cardio kickboxing
After dinner it is park/outside play until bedtime

Drop in. He loves drop and we used to go everyday. When he started preschool we stopped going but with summer here and lack of other kids to play with we will be attending again.
After lunch is free play, my business partner brings her kids and they play while we work for a couple hours.
We eat early at about 4pm in the summer as I teach cardio kickboxing
After dinner it is park/outside play until bedtime

I decided Wednesdays would be the best day for our day trips. It helps break up the day.

Its a full work day for us so the kids get to play together


We eat early at about 4pm in the summer as I teach cardio kickboxing
After dinner it is park/outside play until bedtime

Animal farm day! of we love the animal farm, so many animals to love up plus there is the parks, trails and beach right there too.
After lunch is free play, my business partner brings her kids and they play while we work for a couple hours.
We eat early at about 4pm in the summer as I teach cardio kickboxing
After dinner it is park/outside play until bedtime

Lazy days kind of.
Weekends are saved for business events, hiking, the market, and of course visits with his grandpa at "grandpas fishing house"

Through out the whole summer we are learning and exploring everything!

I created a list last year of everything he needed to know before he started Junior Kindergarten so we work on that each day. We read as many books as possible, visit as many parks as possible and of course walk the dogs.

We are very lucky to live in an area that is on the water so spending as much time near, on or at the water is a must.

Some parents are going "no schedule" this summer, I guess its the new trend. I look at things this way, does he need to be so scheduled he can't do anything else no, but a bored child is a child who gets into trouble!

What are your summer plans?

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