
Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Week 6: truth!

We are about 1/4 of the way through the "school" year and he is learning things so quickly and loving every minute of out! The only time he complains about doing school work is when his father is around.

We still are having issues with the sight word "the" but the rest are pretty much down pat!!!

Starting our day at 5am sucks horribly and is never ever my first choice. I don't sleep well at night and would much rather stay in bed until 8 especially now that the cold is here. I am lucky enough that he will go help his dad get ready for work and then come back and snuggle with me for a while before hes had enough and I have to get up. The bonus is most days we have our book work done before 9am which means we have the rest of the day to do whatever we want. It is also nice that playgroup opens at 9am, sucks I can't bring my tea in there but he loves it.

There is so much to see and do at the earlyOn centres its amazing and I am so grateful that they are there for our children.

Mondays are normally well Mondays but today there is a little more excitement as I rescued a dog in rough shape last night so he was more interested in the dog than most other thing lol.
We did our school work done and that is about all school related things we did as we had to take care of Gus wounds.

Home Depot day arrived and it was a blast except I decided to school work after the home depot and well this was a bad idea because Blaine likes things in a certain order so it caused school not to go perfect but we got through it just fine! Because we did things out of order we ended up doing a sight word work sheet as well I didn't hide any sight words....oops...oh well there is always tomorrow.

I went to Functions of Behaviour, I learned a lot I also learned that centres that help children really need to get on bored with each other and figure out which research they are going to use also updates to that research help a lot. I did learn many things I didn't know before and I loved the instructor. It has given me a different way to collect data for the OT in Blaines life and this will better help him in the long run.  Going to the seminar was just showed me I am doing the right thing by homeschooling Blaine. None of the schools, staff or support staff are equipped to help those who need it the most. Many can't even tell you what a sensory issue is.

Wednesday are supposed to be my work day but as bad days go this one SUCKED!!! We got our school work done and even took Gus for his first walk. ABC mouse wasn't working so we tried it for a little bit then gave up.

Well we didn't get any seated school work done but we did the music and dance Halloween party and then Homeschool chat and play in the afternoon. Because I didn't work yesterday that means I have to work today and because we get back late and didn't have time this morning no seat work for Blaine but thats okay, there is always tomorrow.

Friday we made lungs from bags and straws. He had a blast! We also went to the mcdonalds playplace so he could play and I could fill out paper work for the rescue fundraiser.

Monday, October 22, 2018

2018 a year in rescue!

I figured I might as well do this now as Gus will likely be the last foster of this year that crosses my doorway. I whole heartly believe every dog enters my life for a reason.

Christy was an owner surrender and my first foster in a long time. She was sweet, smart, full of life and energy! Her and Blaine were quite the pair getting into EVERYTHING all the time lol. She came into my life to remind me that I still needed to this, I still need to open my heart and door those animals that were not longer wanted by their families. Christy reopened my heart, my home and showed me Blaine need this too!

Heart break comes like tea in the morning to those in rescue.

Donny and Cherry came to me so broken that Donny was only with us for a day. Cherry was with us until it was her time. These two tiny spirits showed me that I am strong enough to do this again. That I am strong enough to love them until they don't need me anymore. Strong enough to get through anything, including losing two sweet souls who only knew peace and love a short time but will never be alone alone again.

In December I lost my world, my heart dog, the boy who had been with me through everything! I swore I would never love a dog in the same again and its true I wont!

Lexi the Cat Dog who has so many face wrinkles she looks liek the stuffed toy "wrinkles" I had as a kid. EVERYONE suited up in their capes for this one. She came in a hurry and with her she stole my heart. She is tiny compared to what I am used to that is for sure but only in stature not in muscle, heart of brains. Lexi LOVES Blaine. She has stolen a place in my heart I didn't think I had left after losing ACE, she has shown me a I can love in a similar way again. No dog will ever replace Ace, but she sure is trying on his shoes. Lexi is still here and I haven't fully decided what I am going to do about her. She is a perfect dog minus having to have her lady bits washed 3-4 times a day, special stuff on her food and leaking when she sleeps. All because her lady bits are hanging out far further than what they should be. Poor sweet pie, but even with those issues she is still loved.

As most people will tell you, when it comes to animals I don't think I just react. Which is how I ended up with 8 fosters, pregnant and Richard working in Alberta lol.

Yes that is a dog in a field. You might not be able to see him but he was there. Gus was a post in a group that I was tagged in so of course I loaded up and went to get him. I will have a post about just him so I wont go into too much detail about his story here. Gus came into my to teach me patience and to show me that I still will never give up on an animal no matter how unhappy they are in that moment with me. To show me that waiting is just the beginning of the rainbow!!!

Every rescue teaches us something new, shows us something we didn't know was within us. From your heart breaking for those you saved past and what they have been though to your heart breaking once again to see them off to their forever home everyone in rescue knows by best that our hearts are our strongest muscle and will always heal despite the scars.

Those in rescue remember you are needed, you are loved and no matter how hard the day, week, month YOU have made a difference! YOU are making a difference!!

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Week 7: The grand Desgin

Coming up with new and creative ways to title my home school posts is actually kind of fun!!

Week 7 is going to be a relaxed week because I need to get things organized for a recuse fundraising event and there are a few things that a fellow homeschooler and I were discussing that we would like to see offered in our area so I am going to see about planning some of that.

We only have 1 page left in our Usborne Get ready for school first numbers sticker book so we will be moving onto a new workbook My first book of A,B,C, Letter. I got this book from Dollar tree.
We are still using the Morning Starters book, which I also got from Dollar Tree. This week is an exciting week we are going to start doing science experiments using the The Usborne BIG book of Experiments! I got this book from Value Village. I am normally not a huge fan of that store but their books are a great price!!!

Week 7
Day 1:

In the fall work sheet which I found here, sight word we, workbook and ABC Mouse.

Sight word "we" is done with home made flash cards and using the sight words we have already learnt in between.

Outing: Gymnastics at Bluewater Cheer  He is going to be excited to be back. our instructor was away for 2 weeks so it will be our first day back!

Day 2:
Fall guess whats in the bag, sight word we, work book, ABC Mouse.

Fall guess whats in the bag has us putting our hands in bags of items like apples, leaves, pine cones, sticks, etc and guessing what is in each bag!

Sight work "we" worksheet came from here.

Outing: Skating


Sticky Paper tree, sight word we, workbook, ABC mouse

Sticky paper is just contact paper that you can get at the dollar store. I am going to draw an out line of a tree on it and we are going on a nature hut to find things outside to "make" our tree with.

Sight word we worksheet I can't remember where I got it so I will just include it below.

We are going to do our experiment this day. It is Testing the water: Needle on the water

Day 4

Fall scented play doh, wight word we, workbook, ABC Mouse

We are going to make fall scented play doh together. I found a recipe here that we are going to try.

Sight word hunt is so much fun and he is engaged the whole tiem.

Day 5

Pumpkin counting, sight word we, workbook, ABC Mouse

We are going to do a pumpkin counting worksheet which I found here.

Sight word we is just more hand made flash cars.

We have another fun Halloween party to attend for our outing! and we have the homeschool chat and play in the afternoon.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Home Depot Homeschool day!

20 kids + 2 pieces of plywood on top of buckets + 20 hammers + 20 buckets being used as seat for this plywood table = dear god who thought hammers were a good idea.

All in all it was great! It was a great group of kids and a great group of parents!

The instructor was Katie and we was so sweet, kind and even helped a few of the moms who had more than one child with them. We built book ends the whole thing took about 20 mins. The kids had a blast, the parents had headaches and everyone had bookends.

Blaine loved it, he of course looked at the directions and got to work before she said go, so here I am saying no no you need to wait and here she is saying no hes doing it just the way its supposed to go, its okay.

As always we do things fast and this includes sitting and building something, but hey Sarah was there so I didn't feel alone because her children need to do things fast too.

The other parents were happy about it as well and enjoyed doing it with their children.

We have another one set up for next month because this one filled up so freaking fast. I mean within 10 mins of posting it the event was full.

Do you like to build things with your children? Do you allow your children to use tools?

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Pinterest! Coconut Banana bread

I made a few changes when I made this which I will mention as we go along. This is a good recipe although not my favourite.

Blaine helped me out with making it, he loves to be in the kitchen cooking, baking and just being helpful, still can't get him to touch anything with his hands but thats okay. Everything in its own time.

Full recipe and directions found here!!


1/2 vanilla yogurt
1 egg
3 over ripe banana's
3 tablespoons of vegetable oil. (I used canola oil and I only had 2.5 tablespoons left in the bottle lol)
1 1/3 cup of flour
1/2 cup of sugar
1 teaspoon of baking soda
1/4 teaspoon if salt (I forgot to add this oops)
1/2 chopped pecans (I used 1/4 cup)
1/2 coconut (I only had unsweetened and I used 1/4 cup)
(I added 1/4 cup of mini chocolate chips)

Preheat your oven to 350 (I do mine at 325 because my oven runs hot)
Grease a 9*5 loaf pan (I sprayed mine with pam)

In a bowl mash the banana's
Mix in the vanilla yogurt, egg, oil

In a separate bowl mix all your dry stuff.

Combine both bowls together until moist but don't over mix.

(I put all the wet stuff in my kitchen aid mixer, then I slowly added the dry stuff until it was all mixed)

3 tablespoons of flour
3 tablespoons of brown sugar
3 tablespoons of butter
3 tablespoons of coconut
3 tablespoons of chopped pecans

make into a crumble in a bowl

(This didn't work for me, it turned into a paste so I said screw it and added quick oats until it turned into a crumble)

Bake in the oven for 55-65 mins (Mine took 75 mins because I was doing it at lower temp so it wouldn't burn)

Monday, October 15, 2018

Week 6 Strategy

Exploring our bodies is this weeks unit!

This weeks workbooks are the same as last weeks which are Usborne first numbers and morning starters.

Matching Body parts, Sight word see, workbook, ABC mouse.

Matching Body parts I found the cards here . I have them all printed and cut we will be taping them to my body in the right positions.

Handmade flash cards once again for the sight work "See"

Outing: Play group

Day 2
Body part find, sight word hunt "see", workbook, ABC mouse

Body part find is about me saying the body part and him locating the where on his body it is.
I am using the same cards from the day before.

Sight word hunt is me placing sticky notes all over the house with the sight words we have learnt so far and then he has to go around and find only the word "see".

Outing: Homeschool home depot day, book club

Day 3

Tracing out bodies, sight word "see", workbook, ABC mouse

We are going to trace each other on giant paper and then label the body parts.

I can't remember where I got the sight word work sheet but I will include it below.
Outing:  preschool reading at the library

Week 6
Day 4

Dem bones with actions, sight word "see", Workbook, ABC Mouse.

Dem bones lyrics I found and printed from here.

Sight word is another work sheet that I can't remember where I found so I will just post it below.

Outing: Skating at our local arena and Homeschool chat and play.

Week 6
Day 5:

Paper bag lungs, sight word "see", workbook, ABC Mouse

I found the idea on pinterest to make lungs out of a paper bag in order to show how they work.

Homemade flash cards for sight word "see"

Outing: Forest school

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Week 5 reality!

Monday was thanksgiving this meant everyone was home and the girls were here. So we did our school work early before the girls got here and that was a fight at first because dad is home and well apparently when dad is home that means he suddenly hates doing school work but we got through it. We did our outing with the girls. It was just a walk around the block collecting leaves to put in our paper bags, the poor girls didn't even make it half way around the block before they were complaining they were tired lol. We got back and started to sort the leafs, the girls had no interest and that is okay so Blaine and I did his bag, what we noticed was we have a million trees around but mostly they are a variety of maple tree lol. It was fun none the less. We had to move our thankful tree to above the table bosscos tail kept taking it off the door and ruining it, but its growing. I love seeing what he comes up with each day.

Tuesday we had our Nature Walk with St.Clair child and youth it was just a walk around the neighborhood near their college street location. We looked for things on our list and found all of them. He had a blast, I was hot.
We got all of our school work finished without a fight and even for a bunch of our learning path finished in ABC Mouse. He retains so much from learning it is crazy. We did leaf rubbing on our work sheet today and he said "just like at forest school mom" he even remember ALL of the parts of the leaf without help.

Leaf painting with a child who hates to get messy is something else lol. He did great though but only did a few and that was that. We seem to have the word "can" down pat already which is very exciting and he did his school work with no issues at all.

Because we have the homeschool trip to korny korners on Friday the homeschool chat and play had to be moved to Thursday which makes the day a tight squeeze as we normally do all of our shopping on Thursdays as well. He loves the chat and play with the homeschool kids and they mainly get along great. I have noticed a big difference between children who attend school and those who are homeschooled in their personalities and interactions with each other.

We had a blast at Korny Korners with all the homeschool kids. Even got a pumpkin. He tried putt putt

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Week 5: The PLAN!!!

I really need to come up with a better title for those plan blog post but I am not sure what I should call them. Any ideas?

Week 5
Day 1:

Leaf Hunt and sort, sight word "Can", workbook, ABC mouse.

Outing: Park

I really love making my own flash cards for the sight words as they can be alter to what our needs are. These ones for today say "Can", "I", "Like", "The", "And".

For our leaf hunt and sort. We have a paper bag and we went for a walk around the block to fill our bag with different leaves that we seen on the ground only, no picking.
Our workbooks this week are the Usborne first numbers and stickers as well as Pre K morning starters by The clever factory which I got at Dollar Tree.

Week 5
Day 2:

Parts of a leaf worksheet, sight word "can", workbook, ABC mouse.

Outing: 4-6 year olds book club and nature walk with st.clair child and youth centre

The leaf worksheet that I found from this website!

Sight word "can" worksheet here.

This is will be our second attempt at book club! We are going!

Week 5
Day 3:

Leaf Painting, Sight word match, workbook, ABC mouse.

Outing: Kids discovery and gathering leaves

Leaf painting will be with leaves we gather on another walk around and finger paints.

Sight word match I made myself and its just using the flash cards! Just make sure you have pairs of each word.

Kids discover is put on by the EarlyON centres.

Week 5
Day 4:

5 Little leaves, sight word "can", workbook, ABC mouse

Outing: Skating and homeschool chat and play

This is the sight word sheet I used.

5 Little leaves poem I found here. I cut the leaves, bird, tree, and bug out of felt for the felt board.

Skating is done at the local arena and it is free and mainly little guys which is awesome for learning!

Homeschool chat and play is done at a different park or location each week and I am not sure which one I am going to choose this week.

Week 5
Day 5:

Leaf Letter Match, sight word "can", workbook, ABC mouse

Outing: Homeschool group Korny Korners

Leaf letter match I found here I just printed them in black and white instead of colour as its just matching letters not colours.

The sight word "can" is just a colour page.

Our outing will be at korny korners with the homeschool group. We will do a hay ride, pick a pumpkin, play in bounce houses, see animals, do a corn maze and just have an all around blast!

Friday, October 12, 2018

Pinterest!!! JalapeƱo popper dip!

I have tired this recipe before and loved it, not sure why I didn't blog about it back them.

This is a must try recipe, let is cool a little bit before eating it. It is also super simple for those OMG I need to bring something for the pot luck moments. It takes about 30 minutes start to finish

Full recipe and directions can be found here

1 jar of jalapenos drained and rinsed and chopped.
1 brick of cream cheese soft
1 cup of sour cream
2 cups shredded cheddar cheese
3/4 cup of shredded parm cheese (I didn't have this so I used mozzarella just as good!)

4 table spoons butter (melted)
1 cup bread crumbs (I used seasoned because that is what I happened to have on hand)
1 cup shredded parm cheese (I didn't have this so I used the stuff in the can you put on pasta)

Simple directions:

Preheat oven to 350 degrees

Mix all 5 top ingredients in a bowl until well combined. Spread in a 9*13 casserole dish (I used my round one because it was what I had right there)

Mix the next 3 ingredients in a bowl and until crumbled. Spread over the top of the dip.

Place in oven for 15-20 mins

Let cool


Thursday, October 11, 2018

Week 4 tired!

Week 4 started out as planned but didn't really stay there and it finished out on a strong note.

Monday went as planned we did school and went to tumble class, he loves it there and fits in very well with the other home schooled children.

Tuesday we did our school as planned but he refused to go to book club, I am thinking 6-730 is too late for him but we will try again. We also made our thankful tree where each day he picks something he is thankful for and we add a leaf to the tree. He had a blast helping me make it.

Wednesday we got school work done, we went to the EarlyOn centre at the college to learn and play with the items there and he went to Grandpas for pizza

Thursday we didn't make it to skating but we did go to Micheals and he "helped" me work on orders.
He loves his thankful tree and loves coming up with things to put on it. I think so far it is one of his favourite activities! We also made bird feeders for the front tree, he had a blast and loves watching the birds and squirrels eat the seeds.

Friday Forest school was a 1 hour hike, looking at different types of trees, building teepees and making leaf crafts. Blaine loves the being outdoors part but the information part he couldn't careless about. I did learn some things and helped him build a teepee.
Right after forest school we went to home school chat and play at the park. We only stayed 1 out of the 2 hours because it started to rain and he hates getting wet.
We attempted school work when we got home but only got through a couple of things before he had enough. It was a long day anyway.

We do not have the sight word "and" down pat at all but we are going to do some more work with it over the weekend and see where we are at Monday, Yes we do school Monday-Friday holiday or not.

I don't know if its the weather, change in season or just me but this week I have been beyond tired.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Construction Party "tools"

January is when I start planning Blaines birthday party and it falls in August. This years theme is construction, so like any good mom I consulted Pinterest for some great party ideas. I try and do as much as possible myself to save on cost and of course make it more memorable and fun.

Like any birthday party the plastic cutlery is tossed on the table to everyone grabs what they need well not this year!!! This year your “tools” are all neatly put together in a napkin.

I found a great deal at Party City on yellow cutlery it was buy 2 get one free so I got the cutlery, 70 cups and 70 plates there. Normally I get these things at the dollar store but it was a great price for 70 forks, 70 spoons, and 70 knifes.

The napkins and ribbon I got at Dollar Tree.

I printed on yellow card stock that I got at Micheals with my black and white laser printer that I got at Digital Friends Inc.

What you need:
Card stock
Hole punch

I used this template for the tool labels. I of course can't find the original link for the page so I will just include a jpeg of what I used.

Print the labels and cut them all apart. Punch holes in the one corner of each label. I printed them on card stock so if it was damp out they wouldn't curl.

I used a hole punch for this because it was easiest and I have one on hand but you can use anything you have on hand to make a hole, such as, a pen.
Make a hole center top of the tool labels.

Cut all the ribbon the length you need. I did about 12” each.

Fold one corner of your napkin over 

 Place your cutlery center on the the folded corner. 

Fold the bottom corner of the napkin over the bottom of your cutlery. 

Roll them up

Wrap the ribbon around the napkin, tie, wrap it again and tie. String the tools label onto the ribbon. Tie once more to secure it. Curl your ribbon ends!

TADA!! your done its that simple, now repeat 70 times or for however many cutlery that you need done and enjoy!

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

What really happened in week 3

We got through all the worksheets I had planned out and every outing we did was amazing. I have had ABC Mouse  since he was about 2.5 he never really had an interest in it until about 6 months ago. This week I decided to add it to our home school work, this means instead of taking 15-30 mins to do school work it take about an hour because we do an ABC Mouse activity between each of the planned worksheet or activity. Doing this keeps his attention longer!!!

He had a ton of fun gluing to paper so we will be adding more of those as well go along. His tracing has come a long way its crazy! Still not picking a dominate hand makes things a little harder when helping him write. Sight word "THE" seems to be causing us a little bit of trouble which sucks but we will keep working at even with moving onto the next sight word.

This week was packed full of fun learning things to do as well. Tumble time at bluewater cheer was amazing, the instructor has the patience of a saint with the little ones whose attention span is that of a wet noodle. He had a blast it also helped that the other kids in the class are home schooled as well! He talked all week about how he followed the course and went over and under the things. I am just happy he didn't hide under my chair the whole time.

It rained Tuesday so the hike at rock glen was canceled.

Thursday we had Zekvelds with farmer John for pick and learn. It was amazing! Farmer John was so patience and kind with the children and very engaging! The kids learned a lot and I know I learned something new so I am sure the other home school parents did to! Blaine picked about 6 apples for our bag and we each got to eat one for free. He ate the whole apple skin and all (surprise). After we were all done at the apples we moved onto the pumpkin patch where farmer John taught us about pumpkins and even carved a face in one for the kids it was great, they loved it. Then the kids all got to pick out a small pumpkin to take home. He had a blast!!!

Like most Fridays we had the home school parent chat and play, thankfully it wasn't raining this week and we were able to meet at the park. It is great for the kids to get outdoors and play with each other and also for the parents to chat!

Sipkens put on their Fall Harvest Festival on Saturday all free activities for the kids. It was a lot of fun and things to see and do. I had never been in Sipkens before and WOW it is stunning in there, the staff are amazing and were great with the kids. Blaine loved the fish pond and seeing all the flowers and such inside. They had a mini petting zoo, make and take centre piece, colouring pages, information session, find the scarecrows and lots more.

All in all it was a busy week but we got almost everything I wanted done. We didn't go to skating or yoga this week but with so much going on its hard to fit everything in!

Monday, October 8, 2018

Week 4, the plan!

Can you believe it is week 4 already, a month into the school year, a month into our home school journey

. I can't, time has always gone bye fast but now it seems to be going by even faster. My time is filled up with planning for my son as well as the entire home school group in our area and of course business and life. There are days when I am not sure I can get it all done and there are days when I am not sure I can do this. In the end when I hear my son say "I don't go to school I do home school and then list off his friends" I feel proud. There is no bullying just acceptance no matter your childs skills, needs, levels etc.

Day 1:
Sight word "and", work book, STEAM 3 little pigs
Outing: Tumble time

I am horrible at keeping a list of where I find the worksheets it is either on google images or pinterest but this one is just tracing the word "and". I will include it below.

We are still working in the same workbooks as last week. I was hoping to have the Beaver book finished but that didn't happen so we will continue to use the Usborne Get ready for school first numbers sticker book and Beaver search and find stickers.

STEAM 3 little pigs I found on the pinterest website.

Tumble time is amazing and it is put on by Bluewater Cheer. 

Sight word "and", workbook, Build an airplane, build a boat, build a car, Sort the animals
Outing: BookClub

Again with the flash cards. They simple to make and easy to do.

This is the build a car activity I found on pinterest but we will be using a foil balloon instead of a latex one.
Build a boat can be found here. We are doing the egg carton one.
Build an airplane is here.

All of these activities promote hands on learning about how things work.

Sort the animals is something I came up with all most of this weeks activities are going to teach Air, Water, Land

For this what I did was print a picture from google of the sky, water and a grass field. I then glued them on to card stock. I will be digging through his toy bins the night before to find ALL of his little animal toys so he can sort what lives here.

BookClub is for 4-6 year olds and it is put on by the EarlyON centres. They mail you a book about the week before and this will be the book we are covering in the bookclub. I am excited we will see how he likes it!

Day 3:
Sight word "And", workbook, transportation sort.

Outing: Park

 And word colouring page that I found on a google search.

 Transportation sort I found here. Really you could you the pages you glued from the animal sort and just use different modes of transport that they have in their toy bins.

Day 4:
Sight word "and", workbook, sink or floatOuting: Skating

More flash cards for the sight word.

Sink or float is a really fun activity and really easy to do. Have you and your child go around and find things you think will sink or float have a bowl of water and test out your theories. I love this one!

Tot Skate is a blast and teaches a lot of physical skills such as balance, body awareness, etc

Day 5:
Sight word "and", workbook, garden
Outing: Forest school, home school parent chat and play

Just a work sheet I found on google for the sight word activity.

We are going to plant some bulbs so they can grow in the spring!

Forest school is an educational outing where you learn about all things nature.

Home school parent chat and play is where the kids get to play and the adults get to chat.

Friday, October 5, 2018

Week 3: The plan!

I am excited for this week because he starts home school tumble time!!!

Day 1:
Sight word "the", work book, dot to dot
Outing: Tumble group

Sight word "the" activity was a worksheet that I found on google. I will post it below.

We are still working our way through the Beaver books Search and Smile sticker book and the Usborne get ready for school first numbers sticker book. We should be finished the search and smile book this week but the Usborne one is going to take us a little longer, only because it is a far larger book.

Tumble class is for ages 3+ and it is held at the bluewater cheer centre.

Dot to Dot I will post below but I found it on google as well.

Day 2:
Sight word "the" workbook, car numbers

Outing: Story book Yoga, rock glen home school hike and picnic

Sight word "the" I did the card stock cards again. This time I used the words we have been learning from the weeks before "I" "Like" and this weeks word "The".

Car numbers is fun and I can't remember where I found it but I will include it on this page.

Story book yoga is put on the early years. and the home school hike is put on by us at embrace.

Day 3:
Sight word "the", workbook, dot to dot.
Outing:Planting Bulbs

Free worksheets you can print from the net are amazing and that is mainly what I use for now. "the" worksheet I found again on google.

Dot to dot I found on google.

Day 4:
Sight word "the", workbook, Train numbers
Outing: Apple orchard pick and learn

More card stock cards, this time they had short sentences with all the new words "I like the apple"
Train number I can't remember where I found that sheet but I will include in below.

We will be going to Zekveld's to learn about apples and other fall fruit and picking as well!This is being hosted by myself for the Embrace homeschool group.

Day 5:
Sight word "the", workbook, one fish two fish
Outing: Home school mom chat and play

Its a colouring page, he hates colouring so with the colouring pages I encourage him to put at least a little bit of colour on the page even if it is a dot!

One fish, two fish I found on pinterest and its a fun idea to match the numbers.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Chicken Alfredo

I normally pick a random Pinterest recipe when trying out a new recipe but this time I decided to wing it as I have followed so many pinterest ones before.

With winging it you are never really sure how it is going to turn out but this time i got lucky and it turned out AMAZING!!! Even my son loved it. This made enough for an army!

Heavy Cream 497ml carton
Parmesan cheese 1.5 cups
Mozzarella shredded cheese 1.5 cups
Water or chicken broth 1 cup
Room temp Cream Cheese 1 brick
Sliced Mushrooms 1 cup
Cooked Shredded chicken 1lbs
Cooked cut Broccoli 1.5 cups
1 full package spiral noodles (or which ever ones you like best)
Salt and pepper to taste


In a heavy sauce pan (a pot that wont burn) put in the cream cheese and cream heat on low until the cream cheese and cream are blended.
Add the Parmesan and mozzarella cheese.
Stir until blended.
Slowly while stirring add the water/chicken broth. (Add as much or as little to thin out the sauce as needed)

Add salt and pepper to taste.

In a large pot mix cooked noodles, cooked chicken, sliced mushrooms, cooked broccoli and sauce, mix altogether!


Super simple and super good!