
Thursday, October 11, 2018

Week 4 tired!

Week 4 started out as planned but didn't really stay there and it finished out on a strong note.

Monday went as planned we did school and went to tumble class, he loves it there and fits in very well with the other home schooled children.

Tuesday we did our school as planned but he refused to go to book club, I am thinking 6-730 is too late for him but we will try again. We also made our thankful tree where each day he picks something he is thankful for and we add a leaf to the tree. He had a blast helping me make it.

Wednesday we got school work done, we went to the EarlyOn centre at the college to learn and play with the items there and he went to Grandpas for pizza

Thursday we didn't make it to skating but we did go to Micheals and he "helped" me work on orders.
He loves his thankful tree and loves coming up with things to put on it. I think so far it is one of his favourite activities! We also made bird feeders for the front tree, he had a blast and loves watching the birds and squirrels eat the seeds.

Friday Forest school was a 1 hour hike, looking at different types of trees, building teepees and making leaf crafts. Blaine loves the being outdoors part but the information part he couldn't careless about. I did learn some things and helped him build a teepee.
Right after forest school we went to home school chat and play at the park. We only stayed 1 out of the 2 hours because it started to rain and he hates getting wet.
We attempted school work when we got home but only got through a couple of things before he had enough. It was a long day anyway.

We do not have the sight word "and" down pat at all but we are going to do some more work with it over the weekend and see where we are at Monday, Yes we do school Monday-Friday holiday or not.

I don't know if its the weather, change in season or just me but this week I have been beyond tired.

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