
Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Week 2: reality

With another week down and realizing that I can plan everything I want to but not always will everything get done as planned.

We didn't get to the 3-6 playgroup on Monday because I ended having to go somewhere and there just wasn't enough time to get him there. Besides that time of day he is super tired, we will try again tho for the next time they offer it.

The International Harvester Expo was amazing! So many GREAT things to see and do. We ended up only staying until 12:30 because Blaine was hot, tired and done. He would have spent ALL day in the corn sensory box! It was like heaven for the child who likes to play with tractors. Even from the start it was a zoo!

Next time I will call first, we drove all the way to the discovery play group (about 30 mins) to find out that it was canceled, he was bummed but we will try for the next one.

Mom chat and play ended up having to be in the children's section of our library. The kids had a blast and we chatted. It helps whose who feel alone while homeschooling more connected to other adults who understand what is going on. It was the grouchy librarian who was working. She was mad the kids were running around playing hide and seek and well being kids. It was raining so inside was our only option at the time.

We got all our work sheets done and attempted to do the apple seeds but sadly it would seem that they are not going to sprout. Found out he loves the topping I make for the dutch apple pie when he helped me make mini apple pies.

No apple picking but that will be this week as a home school group.

Did you get to the expo?

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