
Monday, February 25, 2013

Dry Erase Board Erasers

I love dry erase boards I use them for everything from shopping lists on the fridge to the kids and my calender and the summer daily schedule.

They are eco friendly because you do not have the waste of paper, etc.
The only problem I have with them is when I need to erase something to fix it I have to go and get paper towel from the other room, I know seems like a minor thing but when you are in a hurry it makes it seem like a huge thing.

Got to love trolling on Pinterest!! I found this really cool idea for have erasers on the ends of your dry erase markers. Of course I had pom poms on hand so I figured I would give it try, worst case scenario it would be a waste of 30 minutes of my time,  best case it would work. At first I was worries they would not hold up on the ends, I am by no means gentle with anything, turns out I was wrong they work great and none have fallen off as of yet!!!!

What you need:
Pom Poms (I matched the pom pom colour to the marker colour the best I could)
Hot Glue Gun
Glue Sticks
Dry Erase Markers (I have about 50 of these in an array of colours)

Hot glue the pom pom onto the end of the dry erase marker
Let dry a few mins

All pomed out!

Will it work?
Oh yeah they work awesome!!!!

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