
Thursday, February 21, 2013


While lately I have been addicted to Pinterest it is a website that has millions (I am sure a whole lot more) of "pins" each pin is either just a picture or linked to a website with instructions on how to do or make a wide variety of items, or even just tips. Well it has pretty much everything lol. I have been trying different thing on the site and posting pictures and if it worked or not on facebook. I am happy to say that so far all but one of the "pins" has worked. I have decided that I am going to add this aspect to my blog. I know over the years I have added many things, Owen, crocheting, personal stuff, cakes etc. So now this is just one more thing to blog about and I am going to do my best to blog at least once a day. 

I have been having a blast trying new things from Pinterest there are so many great ideas and tips to try out.

I hope that those who started to follow my blog when it was mostly about Owen will continue to follow me. I will of course still post about my son whom I love with all my heart, think about on a daily basis and of course see as much as possible. He is growing and loves that I am his "special friend", I love that as well. It gives the special bond we share a name. 

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