
Saturday, January 15, 2011

A very special Hat for a very special lady

Last night I started and finished one of my "beautiful hats" for a very special lady. Her story is not mine to tell; however, I can give tell a little bit about her. She has two little boys both under 10 years of age, she just started treatment for breast cancer. I was asked this make this hat for her by a friend of mine from school. I was shocked when she asked me to make it for me and had a lump in my throat when I read her story. I told her I would make her the hat she requested it in pink. She wanted to pay me, but I will not take payments for my "beautiful hats" as they are a gift hat. I can not cure cancer or any other illness but if this hat can make a women smile or feel beautiful even for a moment that is worth more to me then any amount of money that could be paid for the hats. Instead of money Tracy has offered to give me yarn towards my "cause" I never thought of what I do as a "cause" I feel what I do what I can for whose who can't, don't have or even just need a feel good moment in a time of pain. With that said I am going accept the yarn and with it make more items for those people I mentioned above. I do create items that I sell such as blankets and stuff but the money I get from them goes back into getting more yarn. I hope that my skill to make things benefits someone else.

My thoughts and Prayers are with the family and close friends of this very special women. I hope her treatment works and I wish her many many more years with her loving family. I know this is a hard time for everyone involved keep strong, there is always hope!!!

Let me tell you a little bit about this hat: I used comfort yarn to make the hat because I believe everyone needs a little comfort in there life, I used baby clouds yarn for the boarder because it is ultra soft and to most women soft equals wonderful lol, it can be worn in about 4 different styles depending on the persons preference.


  1. The very special woman you speak of is my sister. Let me say from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU! It is beautiful people like you who make such a difference in peoples lives. I know my sister will wear this with a smile.
