
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Teeth removed today (don't read if you have a weak tummy)

Today I had 3 wisdom teeth removed (I had one done about 5 years ago) This is how it went: They hooked me up to the laughy gas (it doesn't make you laugh), they left me hooked up for about 15 mins so I could relax a little bit before they started, my very cute, very patient dentist came in and I explained about how my root canal they did a couple weeks back was bothering me, he put the freezing in the right side first that hurts like no tomorrow I hate that no amount of laughy gas will make that not hurt, by the way the top freezing hurts twice as much as the bottom, he left the room for about 10 mins to let the freezing take effect came back and fixed my root canal. He removed the top right no problem easy peasy. He then started in on the bottom one (I should say here my both my bottom wisdom teeth were mostly under my jaw bone) he gets it out and there was a bunch of pus under it which means it was infected that explains a lot. He sticks some gauze in there and freezes the left side. He leaves for about 10 mins again to let the freezing kick in. I still have the laughy gas on I get the laughy gas every time I go to the dentist and it requires freezing because well I grabbed him once and that's not good for either of us. He comes back in makes sure I am frozen here we go first attempt to get the tooth and well it didn't go so well I could feel it way in the bottom and in the front he gives me more freezing and lets it take a min to kick in. Then comes the second try still wont come out hurts like no other and I ended up kicking the light thingy above us, he tells me to take deep slow breaths of the gas and tells me its in the bottom jaw bone. Okay here comes try three after him pulling and me trying not to grab him he gets it out. He stitches me up I have never had stitches before and I am not a big fan of them. Okay hes done shows me the teeth, stupid me stands right up and walks to the counter to pay for my last 2 visits (because we have benefits it was 20.00 for those past 2 visits) I all of a sudden feel like I am going to puke the medical administrator grabs a trash can I lean over it and then fall to the floor her and Richard catch me I blacked out (by the way I don't remember even getting up from the chair or going to the counter) they bring me back to the room and hook me up to pure H2O, a cold cloth on my head and talk me out of it well I am mostly up side down in the chair something about feet higher then head I don't. Anyway, Richard gets me to the car and I had to ask him what happened to me he explained about blacking out etc. I get home I am already in a ton of pain and stuff frozen the dentist gave me 600MG pure IBUPROFEN, T3's and antibiotics for the infection. I have already taken the pills and can only take them every 8 hours and I am in so much pain mostly the side where the tooth was stuck in the bone. I had planned on going to my two classes this afternoon but that didn't happen I was in way to much pain which sucks I hate missing school. I am lucky to have such a great dentist the entire time he is working on me I asked a million questions about what hes doing, what is that he is using, why can I taste even though I am frozen and he and his dental hygienist answered each and every question I asked with out a problem man I love my dentist.

I can't wait until I am all healed up it's a soft food diet for me until then :s. Also I hate the taste of blood and thats all I can taste for now :(
In the end I am glad they are gone maybe it will fix a few of the problems I have been having according to the dentist it should!!!!

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