
Friday, January 21, 2011

Bubbles Test on my Heart

Today I had a bubble test on my heart. Other then the IVs and the muscle spams it didn't hurt. They placed an IV in both arms and hooked me up to a solution of water and salt. They did an ultra sound on my heart. Once the doctor got there he injected the solution right into the vain twice on each arm. My left arm had painful muscle spams which they said was caused from the coldness of the liquid. They had me sniff when they did the right arm. They know that my heart misses beats however they were checking today to see if there were any small defects within my heart. The technician gave me the feeling there was something there; however the doctor hurriedly interjected every time she went to point something out. If I never have to go through that again I would rather not. I have a reaction to adhesive and latex so once the IVs were out they taped me which causes the same reaction I don't get it. Anyway he said that the doctor would have the results today of whats going on. I don't even know why they did this test I haven't seen Dr.Ali in about ten months and I had just seen another type of heart specialist in London in Nov. So at this point I know no more and no less then I did this morning. I am not feeling so good but the technician said that would happen due to the solution. I am going to lay down and hope I feel better in a but once it has all gone through my system :S. The test itself was painless and easy I just laid there lol

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