
Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Years Day Dinner

Yesterday I had a wonderful New Years Day dinner with my mom, sister, Jay and Richard It is always our first family dinner of the new year and mom started holding it when I started hosting the rest of the dinners. We had ham, beans, scalloped potato's and apple pie. It was an awesome dinner. After dinner we played a quick game of apples to apples so I could show them what its like. I think sometime in the not too distance future Cashmere, Jay, Richard, Mindy, Micheal and I are going to get together to play it. They seemed to like it. Today Kim and kids are coming but because Richard was up all night sick and I am not feeling very good at all I decided it was best just to drop the gifts off from "Santa" and ask my sister to take lots of pictures I hate the fact that I am missing a visit with them but I don't want to make them sick either. I can't wait for them to be done school for the year so they can each come stay with me for their own personal week and then take them both on a special trip. We are thinking maybe the Toronto Zoo this year, or something along those lines. If we go to the zoo with so much to see it will have to be a weekend trip not just a day trip lol. Well dinner was awesome, my mom is a great cook and I love spending time with my family. Today we were also supposed to go to dinner with Richards parents and to Kevin's hockey game but we had to cancel that as well. Today is going to be a day of get better and hopefully tomorrow we feel better seeing as I have to go to the college and get all my OSAP stuff done.

I hope everyone had a wonderful New Years Day with whatever they did!!!!

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