
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Pets we have right now

Over the year we have had many pets come in and out of our home all leaving happy memories. Right now in our home we have Twister who we have had for almost 4 years. Sanity who we have had for almost 4 years Otto who is not ours but lives in our home and a stray cat that I call Mr.Big Kitten he also is not ours but lives in our home when he sees fit :).
Let me start with Sanity we have had her the longest she is way to smart for her own good only wants lovins when she sees fit and steals my yarn balls well I am using them lol she was given to us from my mom after Bonkers went missing she is the cleanest cat I have ever met and loves to groom Richard its so funny I have videos on face book of it she will do it for hours. She is indoor/outdoor in the spring, summer and fall and wishes it was spring, summer and fall in the winter lol. She spends hours and hours outside always comes home though she is fixed and declawed and still other then Mr.Big Kitten we have no more strays around our house she is one tough kitty. My mom got her as a barn cat when she was about 8 weeks old I helped catch her she bit me about 4 times and peed on me but my mom wanted her so I dug her out and now she lives with me and I love her to death. She is not a social cat and doesn't like other cats will tolerates the animals in our home but in no way she is friends with them. She is the highest energy cat I have ever met she will do back flips and all kinds of crazy things its so fun. She is almost 5 years old I think.
Twister has a story behind him. When our cat Bonkers went missing I was checking the local humane society everyday I am sure they were sick of me but I wanted to find him so bad. About a month after checking everyday I see this little tiny kitten so small and so cute and all alone. I asked about him and if I could adopt him they told me I had to wait a week because of his age so I continued to go back everyday to look for Bonkers and see Twister (He came named). When the time came that I could bring him home we did. He slept in my running shoes because he was too small to get on our bed. Our vet said he was about 4 weeks old. He never left my side and still hasn't he is always within sight of me. He has had his issues and is a very lazy cat I talked about his issues in another blog posting so I am not going to do it again. He is super fluffy he weighs about 25lbs and is about 3.5FT long. He is half manecoon which is a large breed cat. He loves other animals and is very curious of them he has to be right there checking the new one out even if the new one would rather not be bothered. He is 100% my suckie baby he sleeps with me every night either beside my pillow or at my feet and always on my side of the bed we would rather lay on top of me but my allergies can't handle it. He loves to pay fetch when he is in the mood he will bring you mouse and you throw it he brings it back its so cute. He is almost 4 years old.
Otto well I don't know much about her past seeing as she is our roommates ferret. When he said she was like a 2 year old on espresso he was not kidding she is always into everything she can get into and all over the place all the time. She loves insoles in shoes and if she cannot get your insole out she will just steal your shoes :) in a way its a good thing keeps the guys putting their shoes in the closet. She gives kisses and is such a sweet heart. She has run of the house when we are home and awake and the stray cat is not in the house which means I let her out and let her go. The first few times we learned a few things like block off the spaces between the stone and counter because she gets inside the bottom of the stove, keep the toilet paper up because she will take it and hide it either under our bed or Lens bed. We also now keep the bathroom trash can in the bathtub because she likes to take everything out of it. When the stray cat is here we put up a baby gate that has been modified to keep her in the front part of the house the baby gate has been modified with cardboard to keep her from climbing it, another lesson learned early on. Smelly animals are just a huge no in our house so I got her stuff we put in her water so she is 90% smell free and so is her poop, when she doesn't eat the cat food which she seems to love. She is smart and has a great memory and loves to sleep in my house coat and in Richards and my bed its awesome I love her to death too I was really worried about her when she first moved in but she can sure hold her own so I don't worry as much anymore I let her do her own thing. She really enjoys being chased and chasing you its a fun game and she makes the cutest noise when she plays :) I think she about 4-5 I am not 100% sure.
Mr.Big Kitten


Sanity and her minions

Otto going for her treat sticks
Mr.Big Kitten (The stray) well I don't know anything about his past. He started coming around the house last spring and him and Sanity would hang out, hunt and what not together outside. He is beautiful, big, and has a very unique meow. About a month ago I noticed his one paw was covered in blood and I with Twisters help got him to come into the house. Over about a weeks time he let me get close to him and play with toys with him but not touch him after about 2 weeks here with us he got out which in a way I was sad that he was gone because all that work I put into him trusting me but in away I was happy because he no longer meowed all night long. Well 2 weeks ago I noticed foot prints leading into our shed so I put a nice blanket in there and a food bowl. Last Saturday I looked up from crocheting and noticed him sitting in the window so I thought well maybe he wants back in so I would try. I propped open the front door and laid some treats in the door and moved out of the way I talked to him in the voice I always used with him when he was in the house and he came right in and went right down stairs which when he lived here was his hiding/safe place. I put food and water down there and told Richard I would let him out when he wanted back out and if down the road he wanted back in I would let him back in and we would keep doing this and maybe one day he will want to stay. Well tonight I was watching TV and low and behold he was sitting in the window again I opened the door again and talked to him and he came in and went right back down stairs. I am glad he knows that this is a safe and warm place for him to come and who knows maybe one day he will trust me enough to let me pet him. I have no idea how old he is but I am guessing he is at least 3 years old.

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