
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Secret Sister

I got a letter today from my Secret Sister. Let me explain what Secret Sister is, I am a member of Birth-mom Buds which is a forum, chat, and face-book place for birth-mom to connect with other birth-mom it has helped me though so much and answer so many questions for me they are wonderful. Well they do a thing every year called secret sister which is where you send a "stocking" full of treats, small nic nacks etc. to them. Well there year was my first year doing it seeing as last year it has only been a week when I had placed my son and they sent out the emails requesting secret sisters and at that time I just wasn't ready to deal with anything. This year I said why not it might be fun, and maybe out of it all I will be able to connect with someone who has things in common with me and if not well then I just hopped I made someones Christmas a little bit brighter. Well I received her "stocking" before I had even went shopping to get my stuff for her. It was great I loved everything inside she is a wonderful person. Well when I made up her stocking and sent it off I figured I would send her my story as well and about me, my life, and Owen and hey if she didn't respond that is fine too. I had to ship it priority to make sure it made to Alberta in time for Christmas seeing as I didn't get it all ready until the Tuesday before Christmas and it wasn't cheap to make sure it arrived on time lets just say i learned my lesson on that one lol. Well any way in the back of my mind I had hoped she had received and enjoyed what I had given but I wasn't going to get my hopes up that anything would come of it. She is a bit older then me and maybe we had nothing in common.

Well today I got a letter in the mail always nice to get something other than bills lol. I read it right away and couldn't put it down it was like a book I just had to know what was at the end. I didn't cry but I had tears in my eyes. We are too completely different people living to completely different lives but out stories have so many common points, and I can't wait to get to know her more. I have no right to tell her story, but we were almost the same age when we got pregnant and were the same the age when we placed. She is further along in her open adoption then I am and that helps me to know that there is some light at the end of this tunnel and that all the stories I hear about open adoption are not always true. I feel for those who have really nightmarish open adoption experiences but it gives me great hope for mine when I read her story. I am going to write her back.

She wants to talk on the phone but understands that I am not ready to connect on that level just yet, but when I am oh man I can see us talking for hours lol, and who knows maybe it will warrant a trip to Alberta I have never been there before and my secret sister lives there as well as a friend of Richard and mine who has been bugging us to go for a visit.

Well I will close this with you never are alone, things always happen for a reason you just have to be patient.

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