
Monday, January 10, 2011

First day of school

Well the first day of second term is all done. I had a great day awesome teachers so far, haven't met them all yet only had four classes today. Access, English, job search, and accounting. No sociology until next week kinda bummed about that but oh well. Homework already though and its only the first day. This is going to be a more intense then last term, but that is so awesome :) I found last term a touch "slow". I was a little bummed last week, I felt lazy and nothing to do but today I feel recharged, excited and just plan happy. Richard says its because I have a purpose again. I loved seeing everyone again I have no idea what I am going to on the 4 month summer break if I hated the 3 week break lol. Monday's are my heavy back pack day though 4 classes and 5 books it sucks lol. I did mess up today lol I was in a panic this morning because I put my excel text book away and I took a quick look at my schedule and it said I had CPT which last term was excel, so I get it back out and head to school and I am telling my friend Kristal about it and turns out CPT this term stands for access which the text book I took out of my bag for the excel book lol what a morning. At the college they changed out the pizza/sub place for a pita/smoothie place and Kristal and I tried it today well the pitas anyway because they didn't have many flavors left and it was so slow to get what we order we plan to still try the smoothies however the pitas are very pricey and not that great so I doubt that I will be getting one of them again. Kristal and I didn't even finish out pitas. Our access teacher seems strict however she seem like she is going to be a great teacher. Our English teacher who happens to the head of the English department seems a bit timid which will not be good in a room full of OA females lol he also reminds we of the old school movie nerds with pocket protectors he seems very nice though :). Our Job search teacher is great she seems to be a happy to be a teacher kind of person she also made to think today and I have some choices to make ahead of me. Our accounting teacher is a girl we didn't get the hot one lol now Erika wont be red all class bummer lol. She is a lot nicer then she looks lol at first I thought she was going to be one of those I'm a women in a mans world and have something prove but as it turns out I think my first assessment of her is wrong but that happens. Kristal and I met our sociology teacher because we were trying to figure out if our class started this week or next and as it turns out it starts next week, any way he seems very nice, I am going to love this class I am very excited to start it.

All in all it was a wonderful day and I am glad to be back. I hope all my classmates had a good day as well!!!

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