
Saturday, January 29, 2011

The tote bag is a lie

So the tote bag was a lie. It was not my last January project. I made a boys toddler blanket and I plan on making a second one in February to make it for my two favorite twin boys. It is my own pattern. The pattern is pretty simple. It took me 8 hours crochet time and 5 days real time

 Pattern for boys toddler blanket

I used hook size 5 and just normal worsted yarn

I did mine is two tons of blue however it can be done in whatever colours that you like best.

Chain 100 (depending how wide you want it to be)

Row 1: Triple Crochet in the fourth chain from hook. Triple crochet in remaining chain stitches.

Row 2: Turn and chain 4. *Triple crochet in second stitch chain 1. Triple crochet in the same stitch. Skip next 2 stitches.* Repeat from star until the end of the row. At the end of the row triple crochet in the chain four from the row before.

Row 3: Turn and chain 4. *Triple crochet in the chain 1 space. Chain 1 triple crochet in the same stitch. skip the next two stitches.* repeat from star to end of the row. At the end of the row Triple crochet in chain four from the row before.

Row 4: Turn and chain 4. Skip the first stitch Triple crochet in the next stitch and each one until end of row. Triple crochet in chain four from the row before.

Row 5- Row 51: ( depending on how long you want to make it.) Repeat row 2-4
Fasten off once finished

Border is a 3 row boarder that I got out of a book. You can use any border you would like, however; the one i used is in the picture. I got the boarder out of 50 crocheted afghan borders by Jean Leinhaiser. Page 32 #49

Single crochet in each stitch all the way around with three in each corner. Do 2 rounds of this. I changed my colour after each around.

Third round: Join with sc in center st of any corner group; ch 3, sc in same st; *skip next sc, in next sc work (sc, ch2, sc)*, rep from star to star and join at start.

weave in all your ends and its all done.

This is my final final project for January :)


Sunday, January 23, 2011

Crocheted Tote Bag

I just finished my last project for January it is a tote bag. I got the pattern from however I used my own choice of colour as well as I used two strands for the whole bag I felt that it would make the bag far stronger. I also put a boarder around the handles and have decided that next I make this bag it will need longer handles and I will make as one piece with the front and back of the bag seeing as I do not like to attach them. I turned my bag so the seam in on the inside of the bag I didn't like the look of it on the outside. It is far bigger of a bag then I thought it was going to be which is nice. I plan on using it for books for school or shopping. Using the doubled up yarn all the way through wasn't easy.

This bag took me about 6-7 hours total crochet time and about 4 days real time. I found the pattern fairly easy to follow and loved adding my own touches to it.
This is the first tote bag I have made that is this size. and that required me to put the pieces together. I have made child size bags that I used as Easter baskets for the kids but they were one piece and smaller

Friday, January 21, 2011

Bubbles Test on my Heart

Today I had a bubble test on my heart. Other then the IVs and the muscle spams it didn't hurt. They placed an IV in both arms and hooked me up to a solution of water and salt. They did an ultra sound on my heart. Once the doctor got there he injected the solution right into the vain twice on each arm. My left arm had painful muscle spams which they said was caused from the coldness of the liquid. They had me sniff when they did the right arm. They know that my heart misses beats however they were checking today to see if there were any small defects within my heart. The technician gave me the feeling there was something there; however the doctor hurriedly interjected every time she went to point something out. If I never have to go through that again I would rather not. I have a reaction to adhesive and latex so once the IVs were out they taped me which causes the same reaction I don't get it. Anyway he said that the doctor would have the results today of whats going on. I don't even know why they did this test I haven't seen Dr.Ali in about ten months and I had just seen another type of heart specialist in London in Nov. So at this point I know no more and no less then I did this morning. I am not feeling so good but the technician said that would happen due to the solution. I am going to lay down and hope I feel better in a but once it has all gone through my system :S. The test itself was painless and easy I just laid there lol

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Pets we have right now

Over the year we have had many pets come in and out of our home all leaving happy memories. Right now in our home we have Twister who we have had for almost 4 years. Sanity who we have had for almost 4 years Otto who is not ours but lives in our home and a stray cat that I call Mr.Big Kitten he also is not ours but lives in our home when he sees fit :).
Let me start with Sanity we have had her the longest she is way to smart for her own good only wants lovins when she sees fit and steals my yarn balls well I am using them lol she was given to us from my mom after Bonkers went missing she is the cleanest cat I have ever met and loves to groom Richard its so funny I have videos on face book of it she will do it for hours. She is indoor/outdoor in the spring, summer and fall and wishes it was spring, summer and fall in the winter lol. She spends hours and hours outside always comes home though she is fixed and declawed and still other then Mr.Big Kitten we have no more strays around our house she is one tough kitty. My mom got her as a barn cat when she was about 8 weeks old I helped catch her she bit me about 4 times and peed on me but my mom wanted her so I dug her out and now she lives with me and I love her to death. She is not a social cat and doesn't like other cats will tolerates the animals in our home but in no way she is friends with them. She is the highest energy cat I have ever met she will do back flips and all kinds of crazy things its so fun. She is almost 5 years old I think.
Twister has a story behind him. When our cat Bonkers went missing I was checking the local humane society everyday I am sure they were sick of me but I wanted to find him so bad. About a month after checking everyday I see this little tiny kitten so small and so cute and all alone. I asked about him and if I could adopt him they told me I had to wait a week because of his age so I continued to go back everyday to look for Bonkers and see Twister (He came named). When the time came that I could bring him home we did. He slept in my running shoes because he was too small to get on our bed. Our vet said he was about 4 weeks old. He never left my side and still hasn't he is always within sight of me. He has had his issues and is a very lazy cat I talked about his issues in another blog posting so I am not going to do it again. He is super fluffy he weighs about 25lbs and is about 3.5FT long. He is half manecoon which is a large breed cat. He loves other animals and is very curious of them he has to be right there checking the new one out even if the new one would rather not be bothered. He is 100% my suckie baby he sleeps with me every night either beside my pillow or at my feet and always on my side of the bed we would rather lay on top of me but my allergies can't handle it. He loves to pay fetch when he is in the mood he will bring you mouse and you throw it he brings it back its so cute. He is almost 4 years old.
Otto well I don't know much about her past seeing as she is our roommates ferret. When he said she was like a 2 year old on espresso he was not kidding she is always into everything she can get into and all over the place all the time. She loves insoles in shoes and if she cannot get your insole out she will just steal your shoes :) in a way its a good thing keeps the guys putting their shoes in the closet. She gives kisses and is such a sweet heart. She has run of the house when we are home and awake and the stray cat is not in the house which means I let her out and let her go. The first few times we learned a few things like block off the spaces between the stone and counter because she gets inside the bottom of the stove, keep the toilet paper up because she will take it and hide it either under our bed or Lens bed. We also now keep the bathroom trash can in the bathtub because she likes to take everything out of it. When the stray cat is here we put up a baby gate that has been modified to keep her in the front part of the house the baby gate has been modified with cardboard to keep her from climbing it, another lesson learned early on. Smelly animals are just a huge no in our house so I got her stuff we put in her water so she is 90% smell free and so is her poop, when she doesn't eat the cat food which she seems to love. She is smart and has a great memory and loves to sleep in my house coat and in Richards and my bed its awesome I love her to death too I was really worried about her when she first moved in but she can sure hold her own so I don't worry as much anymore I let her do her own thing. She really enjoys being chased and chasing you its a fun game and she makes the cutest noise when she plays :) I think she about 4-5 I am not 100% sure.
Mr.Big Kitten


Sanity and her minions

Otto going for her treat sticks
Mr.Big Kitten (The stray) well I don't know anything about his past. He started coming around the house last spring and him and Sanity would hang out, hunt and what not together outside. He is beautiful, big, and has a very unique meow. About a month ago I noticed his one paw was covered in blood and I with Twisters help got him to come into the house. Over about a weeks time he let me get close to him and play with toys with him but not touch him after about 2 weeks here with us he got out which in a way I was sad that he was gone because all that work I put into him trusting me but in away I was happy because he no longer meowed all night long. Well 2 weeks ago I noticed foot prints leading into our shed so I put a nice blanket in there and a food bowl. Last Saturday I looked up from crocheting and noticed him sitting in the window so I thought well maybe he wants back in so I would try. I propped open the front door and laid some treats in the door and moved out of the way I talked to him in the voice I always used with him when he was in the house and he came right in and went right down stairs which when he lived here was his hiding/safe place. I put food and water down there and told Richard I would let him out when he wanted back out and if down the road he wanted back in I would let him back in and we would keep doing this and maybe one day he will want to stay. Well tonight I was watching TV and low and behold he was sitting in the window again I opened the door again and talked to him and he came in and went right back down stairs. I am glad he knows that this is a safe and warm place for him to come and who knows maybe one day he will trust me enough to let me pet him. I have no idea how old he is but I am guessing he is at least 3 years old.

Monday, January 17, 2011

My first Sociology Class

Kristal and I had our first sociology class tonight I think we are going to enjoy it; however, tonight was a bit of information overload and I don't think I remember a thing he taught us today so I am going to read over everything myself this week before our first test next week. I am huge into these types of things that sociology covers as well as anthropology. This term all in all seems to be a lot more work in some of the classes and really slow almost painfully slow in the other classes. The teacher for sociology is awesome he is high energy, loves what he is teaching and brings that into the classroom which makes the information fun. I do wish it was more spread out in the week rather than an entire 3 hour class all at once. He says that first test which is next week on Monday (I know crazy having out first test on the second day of class) that the class average is very low. I am going to study and I plan on getting an A on this first test. So much work to do and its only the second week of class this year is gonna different that's fore sure

Saturday, January 15, 2011

A very special Hat for a very special lady

Last night I started and finished one of my "beautiful hats" for a very special lady. Her story is not mine to tell; however, I can give tell a little bit about her. She has two little boys both under 10 years of age, she just started treatment for breast cancer. I was asked this make this hat for her by a friend of mine from school. I was shocked when she asked me to make it for me and had a lump in my throat when I read her story. I told her I would make her the hat she requested it in pink. She wanted to pay me, but I will not take payments for my "beautiful hats" as they are a gift hat. I can not cure cancer or any other illness but if this hat can make a women smile or feel beautiful even for a moment that is worth more to me then any amount of money that could be paid for the hats. Instead of money Tracy has offered to give me yarn towards my "cause" I never thought of what I do as a "cause" I feel what I do what I can for whose who can't, don't have or even just need a feel good moment in a time of pain. With that said I am going accept the yarn and with it make more items for those people I mentioned above. I do create items that I sell such as blankets and stuff but the money I get from them goes back into getting more yarn. I hope that my skill to make things benefits someone else.

My thoughts and Prayers are with the family and close friends of this very special women. I hope her treatment works and I wish her many many more years with her loving family. I know this is a hard time for everyone involved keep strong, there is always hope!!!

Let me tell you a little bit about this hat: I used comfort yarn to make the hat because I believe everyone needs a little comfort in there life, I used baby clouds yarn for the boarder because it is ultra soft and to most women soft equals wonderful lol, it can be worn in about 4 different styles depending on the persons preference.

Friday, January 14, 2011

first crocheted blanket of 2011

I just finished my first crocheted blanket of 2011 it is pink and purple with a light multicoloured boarder. It looks kinda like a spider web. I got the base idea from I just used the base idea from here I used my own colours as well as added the boarder to each section and around the outside. I choice to make this blanket because I wanted to something unique and that I have never tried before. I really liked this pattern it was quick and easy. It took me 1 week real time and about 24 hours crocheting time. The blanket it a baby blanket and I think it is beautiful!!!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Teeth removed today (don't read if you have a weak tummy)

Today I had 3 wisdom teeth removed (I had one done about 5 years ago) This is how it went: They hooked me up to the laughy gas (it doesn't make you laugh), they left me hooked up for about 15 mins so I could relax a little bit before they started, my very cute, very patient dentist came in and I explained about how my root canal they did a couple weeks back was bothering me, he put the freezing in the right side first that hurts like no tomorrow I hate that no amount of laughy gas will make that not hurt, by the way the top freezing hurts twice as much as the bottom, he left the room for about 10 mins to let the freezing take effect came back and fixed my root canal. He removed the top right no problem easy peasy. He then started in on the bottom one (I should say here my both my bottom wisdom teeth were mostly under my jaw bone) he gets it out and there was a bunch of pus under it which means it was infected that explains a lot. He sticks some gauze in there and freezes the left side. He leaves for about 10 mins again to let the freezing kick in. I still have the laughy gas on I get the laughy gas every time I go to the dentist and it requires freezing because well I grabbed him once and that's not good for either of us. He comes back in makes sure I am frozen here we go first attempt to get the tooth and well it didn't go so well I could feel it way in the bottom and in the front he gives me more freezing and lets it take a min to kick in. Then comes the second try still wont come out hurts like no other and I ended up kicking the light thingy above us, he tells me to take deep slow breaths of the gas and tells me its in the bottom jaw bone. Okay here comes try three after him pulling and me trying not to grab him he gets it out. He stitches me up I have never had stitches before and I am not a big fan of them. Okay hes done shows me the teeth, stupid me stands right up and walks to the counter to pay for my last 2 visits (because we have benefits it was 20.00 for those past 2 visits) I all of a sudden feel like I am going to puke the medical administrator grabs a trash can I lean over it and then fall to the floor her and Richard catch me I blacked out (by the way I don't remember even getting up from the chair or going to the counter) they bring me back to the room and hook me up to pure H2O, a cold cloth on my head and talk me out of it well I am mostly up side down in the chair something about feet higher then head I don't. Anyway, Richard gets me to the car and I had to ask him what happened to me he explained about blacking out etc. I get home I am already in a ton of pain and stuff frozen the dentist gave me 600MG pure IBUPROFEN, T3's and antibiotics for the infection. I have already taken the pills and can only take them every 8 hours and I am in so much pain mostly the side where the tooth was stuck in the bone. I had planned on going to my two classes this afternoon but that didn't happen I was in way to much pain which sucks I hate missing school. I am lucky to have such a great dentist the entire time he is working on me I asked a million questions about what hes doing, what is that he is using, why can I taste even though I am frozen and he and his dental hygienist answered each and every question I asked with out a problem man I love my dentist.

I can't wait until I am all healed up it's a soft food diet for me until then :s. Also I hate the taste of blood and thats all I can taste for now :(
In the end I am glad they are gone maybe it will fix a few of the problems I have been having according to the dentist it should!!!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Dentist Tomorrow :( :)

I am going to the dentist tomorrow morning to have 3 wisdom teeth removed and part of the jaw bone on both sides. Only three because I had an easy one removed a few years back that had come in just fine the bottom ones are both under the jaw bone because my mouth is too small. I am looking forward to them being gone; however, I am not looking forward to the pain. I am going to attempt to go to school for my two classes in the afternoon, but Kristal and Lindsay have said that chances are I wont be going lol. I am going to make the effort I don't want to miss school at all this term, but the teeth need to come out no way around that, as they are causing other issues. I love my dentist hes great and gentle and kinda cute so I guess that helps too.

Guess I will blog about how it goes :)

Monday, January 10, 2011

First day of school

Well the first day of second term is all done. I had a great day awesome teachers so far, haven't met them all yet only had four classes today. Access, English, job search, and accounting. No sociology until next week kinda bummed about that but oh well. Homework already though and its only the first day. This is going to be a more intense then last term, but that is so awesome :) I found last term a touch "slow". I was a little bummed last week, I felt lazy and nothing to do but today I feel recharged, excited and just plan happy. Richard says its because I have a purpose again. I loved seeing everyone again I have no idea what I am going to on the 4 month summer break if I hated the 3 week break lol. Monday's are my heavy back pack day though 4 classes and 5 books it sucks lol. I did mess up today lol I was in a panic this morning because I put my excel text book away and I took a quick look at my schedule and it said I had CPT which last term was excel, so I get it back out and head to school and I am telling my friend Kristal about it and turns out CPT this term stands for access which the text book I took out of my bag for the excel book lol what a morning. At the college they changed out the pizza/sub place for a pita/smoothie place and Kristal and I tried it today well the pitas anyway because they didn't have many flavors left and it was so slow to get what we order we plan to still try the smoothies however the pitas are very pricey and not that great so I doubt that I will be getting one of them again. Kristal and I didn't even finish out pitas. Our access teacher seems strict however she seem like she is going to be a great teacher. Our English teacher who happens to the head of the English department seems a bit timid which will not be good in a room full of OA females lol he also reminds we of the old school movie nerds with pocket protectors he seems very nice though :). Our Job search teacher is great she seems to be a happy to be a teacher kind of person she also made to think today and I have some choices to make ahead of me. Our accounting teacher is a girl we didn't get the hot one lol now Erika wont be red all class bummer lol. She is a lot nicer then she looks lol at first I thought she was going to be one of those I'm a women in a mans world and have something prove but as it turns out I think my first assessment of her is wrong but that happens. Kristal and I met our sociology teacher because we were trying to figure out if our class started this week or next and as it turns out it starts next week, any way he seems very nice, I am going to love this class I am very excited to start it.

All in all it was a wonderful day and I am glad to be back. I hope all my classmates had a good day as well!!!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Crocheting for the Homeless and Needy Jan 2011

It is only the 8th of January and I have already finished my homeless/needy crocheting quota for the month lol. I made 4 scarves they are a bit more femaine then last months. The pattern I used for them in my own and it a basic one I just double crochet to the width that I want and the do around the post to make a dimond pattern within the scarf and I made them as long as I felt was okay. The hats I made is the same pattern as last month however I made then with a smaller hook because the last ones were larger and I felt women would prefur smaller ones. I made the premee hats the same as always just used a larger hook this month because not all babies are born with the same size head :).

I made one special hat this time though it takes me the same amount of time to make it as it does to make 4 of the normal bucket hats, but this one is special to me because I happened to be looking though one my old crochet world magazines its from October 2010 the pattern is on page 38 is called Self-Stripe Topper. It reminds of the hat my grandmother received from the the cancer society hats program for chemo patients, I loved the hat then my grandmother liked the hat. I felt and still feel everyone needs to feel pretty. I plan to make one every month and I hope that this hat will make someone feel pretty even for a moment because every women deserves to feel pretty no matter what there status is in this world. I know this hat already has a name, but I am going to make these hats in the name of my grandmother who put up a great fight however in the end she lost her battle with cancer. I miss her dearly, and just like the baby hats I do for the hospital in honor of my son who means the world to me, I do these hats in the honor of the women who had a main hand in raising me and making me who I am today (of course my mom had the main role in that but my grandmother and her played equal parts in life).


We have a cat named Twister, we adopted him from the humane society when he was 4 weeks old he was so tiny he could fit in my one hand. He loved to sleep in my shoes lol. Now he weighs almost 25lbs and still tries to fit in my shoes. Hes my sucky baby and is never more then a few feet from me at all times. Hes beautiful, smart and loves to play fetch. We got him fixed when he was 7 months old. About 2 years ago he started to pee outside the litter box which to say the least is an undesirable behavior, so we took him to the vet about 20 times oer the past two years. We have done everything they told us to: 2 litter boxes, one on each floor, no lids, don't get mad at him when he pees outside the litter box (which is very hard to do by the way), clean them everyday, do full litter box changes twice a month, put a litter box that don't look like a litter box where is he peeing and slowing (about an inch a day) do where you want him to pee, try different litters, change him to special food (30.00 a for a 5LBS bag not cheap by any means), antibiotics, test after test after test. He is now on anti depressants that say; he is to use caution when driving, no operating heavy machinery, and no drinking also do now allow your cat excess exposure to the sun, keep your cat in the house. He peed again yesterday I don't want to have to put him to sleep that is the last thing I want to do seeing as hes my baby. I went to the pet store as a last result I am trying this spray and this collar that says it gives off pheromones that will stop him from peeing money back guarantee so we will try this and if it don't work I am extremely said to say that we will have to say good by to best little buddy.

However we will if it comes to Twister have to be put to sleep adopt another pet from the shelter we believe that they all need a good home and its us doing what we can for those poor animals.

I love Twister and it breaks my heart to think that he would no longer be curled up sleeping with me every night

Friday, January 7, 2011

Last weekend before School

This week is the last weekend until school starts for my second term. I am nervous and excited all at the same time. I loved school last term and I did awesome grade wise and I made some great friends, many of which I hope will become life long friends. I am still nervous though it might be because its new teachers and new classes and I am nervous about how well I am going to do this term. I had no classes with 2 girls which I have become very close with one who well I don't think we go a day without talking or texting which is awesome, so I changed around my schedule and now we have 5 out of 7 classes together which is awesome. I am glad to be going back to school, as this past week which I have had nothing to do I have felt very lazy, I am used to being busy all the time with a million things I need to do and that need to be done. Once school starts I am going to busy again which is awesome I hate having too much down time. I am pretty lucky this term with classes I get to sleep in most days (lol like thats gonna happen), and I am not at the school late so its pretty relaxed that way, however; I am taking a couple classes that are a bit "heavy" material wise I know I am going to love them but they are not going to be a cake walk thats fore sure but maybe thats the reason I am going to like them so much.

This weekend being the last weekend before school starts I rented a bunch of movies which I may or may not blog about lol.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Secret Sister

I got a letter today from my Secret Sister. Let me explain what Secret Sister is, I am a member of Birth-mom Buds which is a forum, chat, and face-book place for birth-mom to connect with other birth-mom it has helped me though so much and answer so many questions for me they are wonderful. Well they do a thing every year called secret sister which is where you send a "stocking" full of treats, small nic nacks etc. to them. Well there year was my first year doing it seeing as last year it has only been a week when I had placed my son and they sent out the emails requesting secret sisters and at that time I just wasn't ready to deal with anything. This year I said why not it might be fun, and maybe out of it all I will be able to connect with someone who has things in common with me and if not well then I just hopped I made someones Christmas a little bit brighter. Well I received her "stocking" before I had even went shopping to get my stuff for her. It was great I loved everything inside she is a wonderful person. Well when I made up her stocking and sent it off I figured I would send her my story as well and about me, my life, and Owen and hey if she didn't respond that is fine too. I had to ship it priority to make sure it made to Alberta in time for Christmas seeing as I didn't get it all ready until the Tuesday before Christmas and it wasn't cheap to make sure it arrived on time lets just say i learned my lesson on that one lol. Well any way in the back of my mind I had hoped she had received and enjoyed what I had given but I wasn't going to get my hopes up that anything would come of it. She is a bit older then me and maybe we had nothing in common.

Well today I got a letter in the mail always nice to get something other than bills lol. I read it right away and couldn't put it down it was like a book I just had to know what was at the end. I didn't cry but I had tears in my eyes. We are too completely different people living to completely different lives but out stories have so many common points, and I can't wait to get to know her more. I have no right to tell her story, but we were almost the same age when we got pregnant and were the same the age when we placed. She is further along in her open adoption then I am and that helps me to know that there is some light at the end of this tunnel and that all the stories I hear about open adoption are not always true. I feel for those who have really nightmarish open adoption experiences but it gives me great hope for mine when I read her story. I am going to write her back.

She wants to talk on the phone but understands that I am not ready to connect on that level just yet, but when I am oh man I can see us talking for hours lol, and who knows maybe it will warrant a trip to Alberta I have never been there before and my secret sister lives there as well as a friend of Richard and mine who has been bugging us to go for a visit.

Well I will close this with you never are alone, things always happen for a reason you just have to be patient.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Years Day Dinner

Yesterday I had a wonderful New Years Day dinner with my mom, sister, Jay and Richard It is always our first family dinner of the new year and mom started holding it when I started hosting the rest of the dinners. We had ham, beans, scalloped potato's and apple pie. It was an awesome dinner. After dinner we played a quick game of apples to apples so I could show them what its like. I think sometime in the not too distance future Cashmere, Jay, Richard, Mindy, Micheal and I are going to get together to play it. They seemed to like it. Today Kim and kids are coming but because Richard was up all night sick and I am not feeling very good at all I decided it was best just to drop the gifts off from "Santa" and ask my sister to take lots of pictures I hate the fact that I am missing a visit with them but I don't want to make them sick either. I can't wait for them to be done school for the year so they can each come stay with me for their own personal week and then take them both on a special trip. We are thinking maybe the Toronto Zoo this year, or something along those lines. If we go to the zoo with so much to see it will have to be a weekend trip not just a day trip lol. Well dinner was awesome, my mom is a great cook and I love spending time with my family. Today we were also supposed to go to dinner with Richards parents and to Kevin's hockey game but we had to cancel that as well. Today is going to be a day of get better and hopefully tomorrow we feel better seeing as I have to go to the college and get all my OSAP stuff done.

I hope everyone had a wonderful New Years Day with whatever they did!!!!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Last year in a nut shell

Last year was the hardest year of my life. I recovered from a C-section, watched my son hit milestones months before most children his age from what the doctor says anyway. I got to see my son do so many first's from pictures and emails. I do not regret for a minute the choice I made to give a family who could not have children a beautiful, happy, loving child. I do think of him everyday and that will never ever change he is my whole world even if it is from a distance. I started a computer company with a partner had what they thought was a stroke was poked, prodded and tested on was doctor after doctor just for them to find nothing. The computer business went under due to the partnership and other underling issues. I started an in home daycare which I loved doing I had so much fun caring for the children, I fell and damaged some tissues in my back and I couldn't do the lifting or the bending anymore I missed the kids so much and playing and teaching with them. I decided that I should go to school at least that way I could go to school well they still tired to figure out what happened to and well my back healed. I decided to take the Office Administration Medical Program where I met so many wonderful people and I have many friends from it. I love going to school and I kinds miss it now that I am on holidays. I finished my first semester with a 3.833 GPA and an A in everything expect for English which I got a B in. Christmas was hard for me I miss Owen everyday but the special occasion's are much harder I know as the years go by things will be more bearable. The adoptive parents have asked me to meet their extended family which scares me a little but I would love to know the people who are around him on a day to day. Having my mom and one of the visits meant the would to me she pointed out things that where the same as my sister and I when we were his age. He is my world.

Last but not least we help a New Years Eve party for all of our friends last night and only a few showed up after all that work and then no one shows up I was really upset, however in the end the one who showed up made it so worth it we played the game apples to apples and I haven't laughed that hard in so long. I am thankful for the friends that we have. If you ever get the chance to play the game apples to apples it awesome we played for hours and didn't even notice the time lol.

I would like to thank my family, my new friends and of course my always friends for all the love and support you have given Richard and I this past year. You guys are what help us through all the hard times.

Hope everyone had a wonderful New Years Eve and I hope you all have a bright New Years!!!!!