
Saturday, December 11, 2010


Poor little guy so tired from teething and being sick!
Richard and I had a visit with my son today. Let me give you a little history here. I have a 13 month old son, he was born Nov. 26, 2009. I named him Owen Michael (The adoptive parents have named him Nicholas Owen) There was an adoption plan in place when I had him. I choice the family and I choice open adoption they are wonderful. They could not have their own children, and they had been on the adoption waiting list for many years. Every adoption is different every family is different I am lucky. With my open adoption I get visits, They come here I go there. I get pictures every month and emails every milestone or event that happens. It has not been easy and I love my son with all my heart. This visit we had at their house (my first time there I was very nervous) They have a beautiful, warm, welcoming home. I spent 3 hours there time flies at the visits this time he was a bit cranky because he is teething. I gave him is Birthday and baptism gifts which he got to open today however all the Christmas's gifts hes going to have to wait till Christmas. Hes not so much of a little boy he weights 27LBS and is 30Inches tall its crazy. My mom came for this visit it is the first time she has seen him since I was in the hospital when he was born. (I was lucky in a way there as well I had a c-section which meant I was in the hospital for 5 days and I got to spend those five hard but wonderful days with him). Today as hard as it was to leave and its hard every visit to leave I know hes happy, loved and very much doted on. He will never want or need for anything in his life. I wish I could spend everyday with him however at that point in my life I was not in a good place and knew that this would be better for him. Anyway his favorite gift today was part of the lamb I gave him for  his baptism it came with this little figure of a lamb with a book and its just the right size to fit in his hand and he loved it. All in all it was a wonderful day spent with him.

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