
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Chrismas Is Over

Well Christmas is over the presents are opened and put away! The turkey and all the fixings has been cooked, enjoyed, and cleaned up. Love everything I got. Loved spending time with my family and friends. A friend of mine who I have not seen in at least a year came by for a visit well she was in town visiting family it was just like no time has pasted at all I forgot how much I enjoyed talking with her. I went boxing day shopping today. The only super busy store was Future Shop we didn't end up getting anything there; however, we did get a few christmas decorations for next year that match our blue and sliver color schem. This afternoon grandma will be heading back to Port Elgin. I can't wait til to tomorrow to have a day to relax and start to take down the decorations. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas Holidays with friends and family!!

On another note I miss Owen so much special times of the year are the hardest!!

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