
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

I am so lucky

Today I got Pictures in the mail of Owen. They are his 12 month pictures. I thought the birthday ones I got when I went for the visit a few weeks ago where the 12 month pictures but I guess not lol. I am also got Christmas pictures in am email not to long ago, he was even wearing one of the outfits I got him and he wore the PJs I got him for Christmas on Christmas day night :). They are planning a visit here sometime soon maybe even his week I love seeing him so much makes my day every time. According to them he loved opening his gifts so much he was inclined to help everyone else with theirs. He had so much fun on Christmas last year he was just a month old for Christmas and didn't have a clue but this year he knew what was wrapped up lol. The picture I have included is him in one of the outfits I got him, its for 24 months and hes only now 13 months I can't believe how tall he is! I can't wait to see him again I love the kisses and hugs.

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