
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Crocheting for the Homeless and Needy Dec2010

I have completed my monthly goal of 4 adult hats, 4 adult scarves, and 4 preemie hats for the hospital. With it being such a busy month and how I only started the week before Christmas I think I did pretty well. :) I am also almost finished the pink and purple toddler blanket I have been working on for for about a month or so just need to finish the 5 row boarder. I hope with starting the new semester starting in Jan that I can make my goal for that month.  With there being so many out there who needs help, other then donating to the food bank which we do every time we get a brown bag in our paper this is what I can do to at least make them a little more comfortable. In the end I hope that me doing these will bring warmth to at least someone. I understand that some homeless are there by choice and others are not. I also know that there are so many needy all over the world, however; I believe that we should take care of the people in our own areas first. I know that may sound callous but, how fair is it for us to care and send money, food and aid all over the world and do very little for the ones that are right here. To add to that I would like to announce that next year on top of everything I am doing here I am going to send baby hats, dish clothes, and whatever else I can to countries who also require help. Doing this will just add to what I am doing for the people here. I think everyone in this world deserves the basics in life and I can't afford to physically so to other countries to help so this is me helping. I will also look into other ways to help people are here that costs nothing but my time as I find them and look into them I will post them on here.

This is the pattern for the adult hats I used: I changed it a little bit but this is where I got the idea for it. 

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