
Monday, December 27, 2010

Grandma is back home

After being here a week grandma is safe in her own home 3 hours north of here. Yesterday was a bit of a confuckle to say the least. Our car we only use for city driving at the moment because it needs a new barring and with Richard (my lovely common law boyfriend) laid off we can not afford the $500.00 to replace it so its not safe to drive on the highway, so we had a friend who said no problem we can take my truck to London to take her to the bus station and if there is no bus we can make the trip all the way to port. Well at about 2:00pm Richard messaged him and he was stuck with family so we had to come up with a new plan. No big deal we would figure it out and we did we borrowed Richards dads truck to take her to the bus station. The whole time we are trying to find another opinion I have grandma saying that she will never come here again and just making me more stressed out. The entire ride to London's bus station which is an hour from us she complained about what happened. We get to the station we wait the 30 minutes until the bus is supposed to be there to help her get loaded on. at 5:45pm when the bus is supposed to leave there is still no bus. we talk to the people behind the counter again and they call over to about town the ones who run the northern run and they well we canceled the bus for today. There are 6 other people waiting for this bus. A very nice man who is going to the same place as my grandmother calls over and rips the lady a new one, still no change, then the guys walk the black over to about town to talk to them in person. I stay with grandma so she is not alone, she complains the entire time I tell to not get worked up its life and it will all work out in the end. The Gray hound people tell us they just phone and will be sending cars over to pick everyone and up take them right to there front door well this is wonderful. Once everyone gets back its time to load everyone up. Grandma looks right at Richard and in the meanest voice I have ever heard her use says if I would have known this was going to happened I would have never come!!. We load her into her car and get us back into the truck to head home. My sister calls I tell her everything that has happened and she pretty much blames everything on me and tells me that I was mean to my grandmother all week which is very untrue we waited on her whenever she needed anything, gave her our bed and we slept on an air mattress, drove her where ever she needed to be. My sister spend a total of 1.5 hours with her the whole time well after everything that happened and all the stress I have been under I didn't need her blaming me for everything so to stay the least this moment we are not speaking. Grandma is home all safe and sound and there will not be another year for a very long time that I bring her down.

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