
Saturday, December 18, 2010

preparing for my holidays

Well now that exams are done its time for me to finish prepping for our families Christmas dinner. I have been hosting all of the families holiday's dinners since my grandmother pasted away. I love every minute of it however it is a lot of work from decorating to making the dinner. This year we are bringing my grandmother on my dads side down from Port Elgin which is three hours from us. She will be here for a week and then take her back home. I have our tree up and decorated however I need to get the outside decorations as well as the rest of the inside decorations up. Then I have to do all the food shopping and our dinners are never small :) and now that Richards parents join us I make a ham as well because his dad will not eat turkey :S. So our dinner consists of Turkey, Ham (new this year), mashed potato's, Sweet potato's (which my mom makes and brings), stuffing, corn, turnip, cranberry sauce, sugar glazed carrot's, pineapple for the ham, buns, pickle plates that have cheese crackers and olives on them, raw veggie trays, Apple pie, Pumpkin pie, and new this year for peacan pie. Its a lot of food but our door is always open to friends and family who want to come for Christmas. I make everything from scratch and almost the same way my grandmother did. Right from the stuffing the same way she did to the turkey covered in bacon :). My grandmother held our family together at Christmas and since she has pasted most of the extended family doesn't come anymore. Many are busy with their own families but I do miss the days when all of us where together. Maybe one day we can be. My day Christmas starts on Christmas eve we go to Richards grandmothers where we do a Christmas gift lottery and then we go to Richards parents to exchange gifts with them once we get home I get to start my dinner prep with getting the stuffing ready everything but the eggs, and this year I will be cooking a ham Christmas eve. I prep as much as I can the night before Christmas because at 6am on Christmas morning the turkey gets stuffed and covered in bacon and ginger ale poured in the roasting pan and put in the oven. Once that is in there we head to my mothers where open stockings and presents and spend time together. Once done there I come home and start peeling and cooking. At about 2pm everyone starts to arrive and we eat and talk and then everyone goes home.

Boxing day we take my grandmother home. Take down the Christmas decorations and start to put up the New Years Eve decorations. This year we are hosting the New Years Eve party for all of our friends.

The day before New Years Eve I start cooking and baking and making trays of food for the party, plus creating the "house drink", making sure there is a DD and music for the party, New Years Eve we start to set up and await everyone who is coming and pick up those who need rides.

New Years Day all the decorations come down and we clean up from the party. Then I get to relax and enjoy my couple of days to relax before I have to get things ready for back to school and also I am getting my wisdom teeth removed WOOT not so much lol but it needs to be done so.

With everything that needs to be and as busy as it is. I love every minute of it and can't wait to host each holiday.

My family is important to me. We may not always be the most functional however we love each other and it works for us most of the time!!!!

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