
Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Product Review: Gorilla Wood Chews

Gorilla Wood, they sound amazing, long lasting, thick, natural and from sustainable trees. They are made from all the right stuff and the company says all the right things!!

Since starting to foster bullies I am a little bit out of my element. I am used to BIG NORTHREN breeds. Take my Akita/Shep he is 175lbs and now that he is 5 years old he has mellowed out and is relaxed, loves his walks/runs and the dog park. Now insert 40lbs of pure spun energy. I am used to the I am bored, I am going to dig up your entire yard, lets play, teach me something, come on lets run. I kept up no issues. Bullies seem to be unique, well the one I currently have is anyway lol. She can go for her morning 30 min run. Do her 20-30 min personal training on learning new skills, play with my 3 year old all day and go for her hour walk in the evening and STILL want to chew the wooden futon arm lol. Oh who I am kidding I love every minute of them.

Bullies chew like no other especially the young ones and where my northrens just chewed a little here and there my bullies seem to feel the need once they start a job they must finish it RIGHT NOW, so chewies don't last long around here. We have done raw bones from the market, pressed raw
hyde, bull penis, kongs stuffed with all the good stuff, kongs stuffed with frozen good stuff, nyabones, deer antlers, pretty much everything. My current foster loves to chew wood, sticks, branches, the whole tree, the futon arm so I figured these gorilla chews would be right up her alley. NOPE, she will chew it once in a while but aside from that she would rather chew the branch from outside, turns out I am okay with that! Man oh man do they stink when being chewed and I mean I can handle a lot from stuffed chicken feet that smell like rotten eggs to bullie farts that smell like they are dying from the inside out but these have a smell that gives me a headache. I have been told it is likely the sap from whatever tree they came from.

Gorilla chews are not cheap they range from $20.00-$40.00 each, we got ours at the local pet value because that was the only place that had them, my Akita/Shep has zero interest in them and hasn't touch one at all.

As you can see in the photos we have had them a few weeks and that is all they have been chewed. My option is that they were a waste of $50.00(total cost for 2 of them). Onto finding something else I guess.

What do your dogs like to chew that last longer than 5 mins?

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