
Thursday, July 26, 2018

July 2018 Reading?

There is never a moment I don't have a book with me for those emergency, I am stuck waiting in the car, a waiting room or pooping. I really have books everywhere one in the car, the bedroom, the bathroom and 3 audiobooks on my phone (whenever I have my phone from Blaine).

I just finished my car book and had to move my bedroom book to the car this is very sad because now I play word crack on my phone while listening to my audiobook until my phone dies at night. I know such and exciting life right?

When I read I have the ability to go into what I am reading, I am there, seeing, smelling and doing what they are. Good luck getting my attention away from the book. Audiobooks don't do the same for me, my mind wanders too much when I listen to audiobooks unless I am driving and I don't take it all in.

My car book that I just finished (only took 2 days) was called Heart Berries by Terese Marie Mailhot

First though within the first few pages of reading this book was WHAT THE HELL AM I READING! as I went along and kept reading, so much of what she had written touched my soul. I seen myself in her behaviours and actions. 

My bedroom book that is now my car book requires a high lighter because I am not just reading this book for pleasure. I am reading to better understand and help my son who has among other things SPD. The out-of-sync child by Carol Kranowitz. I am about half way through and learning so much, my blue high lighter is getting a good work out. 

The bathroom book, you know the one no one has lol, well mine is The Patrol by

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