
Monday, July 30, 2018

Results Week 4!!!

I am sure you notice I skipped a few weeks of measuring and results. I did take photos of week 3 and they will be posted below but I wanted to see if I could see a greater difference between week 1 and 4 if I skipped weeks 2 and 3.
If you weigh yourself remember to do it first thing in the morning and you are going to want to weigh yourself at the same time every time, our body weight fluctuates through out the day. I don't weigh my self for many reason one being that I struggle with an eating disorder and as soon as I step on that scale I start obsessing.

Measurements and how your clothes feel are far more accurate when it comes to fat loss.

My eating hasn't gotten much better and that is something I will likely struggle with the rest of my life but I have started meal prepping each week and cutting up fruit and veggies and salads so I can grab and go, I mainly use them for my son but meh at least one of us is eating great.

My measurements after 4 weeks are:
Neck: 12 inches (Same as week 1)
Bust: 38.5 inches (Down .5 inches)
Right arm: 11 inches (Increase of .5 inches)
Left arm: 11 inches (increase in muscle by 1 inch)
Waist: 34.5 inches (Down 1.5 inches)
Hips: 38 inches (same as week 1)
Left Leg (thigh): 19.5 inches (Increase of 1 inch)
Right Leg (thigh): 19 inches (Increase .5 inches)

There are a couple reasons I am seeing an increase of inches on my thighs, one is muscle gain. I do a LOT of squats 100 a day to be exact. Also I may be measuring in a different spot I did week 1 or I may be retaining water in my legs, which most women know is a problem for many of us. I guess we will see as the weeks pass.

My set backs are still my back and my eating but I managed to workout everyday and walk the dogs everyday.

What were your successes and set backs? Are you seeing results?

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