
Saturday, July 7, 2018

Raised Garden Boxes

Spring is my favourite time of the year and this year was made even better with the new garden boxes that were built for me! So far I only have three but by the end of summer I will have 5 total. Life with garden boxes if so much easier, I don't know why I didn't do them sooner. They are all raised to about 2 feet off the ground or higher, they were made from old pallets I picked up for free outside of businesses as well as 2*4's that someone was giving away from an old deck. They are lined with black garden liner to help hold the dirt in and help with the prevention of weed.

So far this year I have only had to pull 1 weed, just one from garden boxes where in the years past I had to weed daily. In my garden boxes I have cherry tomatoes, beef steak tomatoes, green peppers, celery, radish, carrots, green onions onions, romaine lettuce, leaf lettuce and American lettuce.

We have been eating lettuce from the garden for about 2 weeks now and its amazing, there is a big difference between home gown and store bought. With the raised beds I don't have as many pests either, but still have a few and to deal with them I just use soap and water sprayed on the plants.

The heat has been really hard on my lettuce and other leafy veggies this year but my tomato plants are growing like crazy.

Very little bending and no getting down on my hands and knees any more, this in itself is a life saver for me. Plus it keeps the dogs out the gardens too, well its supposed to, my current foster Lexi likes to get up in the big and dig in the middle where there is nothing growing, my son seems to love this too.

I put the garden boxes over top of the old garden so they are not taking up any extra space.

The garden boxes are easy to build with the right tools and in most communities you can find free pallets as businesses are always trying to get rid of them.

I used 1 yard of dirt and that filled the three garden boxes no problem plus I have enough left over dirt to fill one more.

As the garden boxes were kind of a last minute thought and not all are done yet I didn't get everything planted that I wanted to, oh well there is always next year.

What do you your gardens look like?

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