
Thursday, April 25, 2019

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Every time I hear this question I picture the 1990's Barney Tv show that my sister used to watch. Which you can see here to bring back all those wonderful memories.

When I was a child I wanted to be a teacher or work with children in some way. As I grew up my idea of what I wanted changed more than once. Working with children in someway was always something I wanted to do, but never ended up going down that path. I have had many children cross my path throughout the years and I have been blessed to be able to help them along their road.

About 13 years ago I got the idea stuck in me somewhere I don't know where lol, my head, heart whatever. I ran a successful bakery for about 10 years until and even after my accident until the ability to even roll out dough became too much.

Don't get me wrong I love with all my heart sewing and creating the beautiful outfits and other items we do. I love the look on the children's faces when they can be batman or a princess or when I hand them a custom shirt. But deep down I have always wanted a bakery that gave back to the community.

Working with children directly isn't something I get to do but with homeschooling I get to work with my child!! I also run field trips and other fun events for the homeschool groups.

As I was writing this I realized I do get to work with children. I co-run the homeschool co-op I teach the little ones on Fridays.

Its funny how that has gone so I guess I am doing my childhood dream job on Fridays at co-op!

Yes I say when I grow up because each and everyday we are growing, I don't think as long as we have a passion for learning and growing that you ever "grow up".

I also don't think you are ever too old or to young to follow your dreams.

Will I ever have a bakery, maybe, but for today I have a business that I am proud of and that gives back through donations for events, auctions and those type of things.

Once in a while I get asked to make a cake, cupcakes or other deserts and it makes me miss the doing them daily. Maybe one day I will own that little Pink and Black bakery/cafe that gives back.

What do you want to be when you grow up?
What did you want to be when you were a child?

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