
Monday, April 15, 2019


My all time favourite planner is the Happy Planner from Micheals. I love that you can take pages out and add pages to modify.

I love my planner so much I sit down and fill it out at least twice a year and forget to take it everywhere when I leave.

Fancy cover for my planner (I bought it with a planner in it many moons ago)

Guess that means I love the idea of my planner and being organized. Its a good time if I remember to update the giant 2 month wall calendar before 4 months have passed lol. Do I suck at planning and being organized? No not really. I am actually great at planning, organizing and all that jazz. What I lack is the time to actually fill these things out and the memory to take them with me.

My happy planner cover, not that you can see it inside the fancy case

I tell myself every couple of months when I start a new planner or fill out the old one that I will do better, that I will remember to take it with me, to fill it out and remember where I left it last. I get so much joy from filling out the pages with my beautiful pens. I have a thing for pens I will explain in another post.

Inside the planner this is month at a glance.

When I update the wall calendar I promise I will fill it out so everyone in the house is on the same page. I end up forgetting or lose my wippy board markers, or they get used on paper and then are no use for the washable calendar.

What each week looks like. Lots of room under the days to put information

As it turns out I planned on setting up my planner today but well it would seem I couldn't find it anywhere. My normal stash spots for it are the kitchen table under all the homeschool stuff, in the car down beside the passenger side of the seat or with my bullet journals in the living room. It seems it is not in any of those spots.

All cleaned off from Feb/Mar lol

 So planner is set aside for another day when I remember.

On the upside I do use my google calendar which is connected to my sons dads phone as well so he knows whats going on. The only down side is I always tell myself I will put it in the calendar later and end up forgetting.

Sigh one day I will be pro at this stuff but for today I will continue to put in the effort.

What is your favourite planner? What is your favourite way to stay organized?

Update: I ended up finding my planner on top of the fridge, not entirely sure how it got there because I am far to short to reach it. Turns out I need to get new pages for it. The current pages end in June, oops.

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