
Thursday, April 18, 2019

New idea!

Time, I never seem to have enough of it no matter how hard I try. And if someone says one more time "well if Blaine were in school" I will rip their head off and fed it to the dogs, no really.

Its not about coming up with more hours in the day to get things done or putting Blaine in school it is about me making the most out of the time I have.

I am bad for getting onto a task and losing track of time and instead of getting time to do the other things I needed to do I have now run out of either time or energy.

Timers, my phone has this neat little feature which I am sure most new phones have it (insert sarcasm tone). As I write this blog my timer has been set for 1 hour. That means I have 1 hour to blog for today and if I happen to get more time later on then so be it but right now I get hour to get whatever thoughts are going on in my head out on the white screen of my blogger template.

This means that when I start a task, depending on what it is I have 1 hour to either finish it or move onto the next thing I need to do, which includes cleaning!

When it comes to Blaine or his schooling there is and never will be a timer. Playing and learning are done without limits!!

I use my timer for cleaning, baking, cooking, blogging, working, party planning, etc.

It is not used for shopping lol, as it takes me 5 hours and 10 stores each week. 

Take today for example. I have 1 hour to blog, 1 hour to bake, 1 hour to clean, 1 hour to fold and put away the laundry, 1 hour to work on my sisters baby shower, 1 hour to work on business stuff and so on.

I know it may seem pretty simple to most people to be able to just move from task to task but my brain doesn't and never has worked that way. What happens is I will start cleaning, get distracted by something in that room IE the book shelf needs sorted so I will move onto that and the cleaning wont get finished.

Unless Blaine needs/wants something then my focus is only on that activity for that amount of time.

Crazy right, wonder how much you can get done on one thing in an hour, well when my focus is only on what I am doing for that one hour I can clean the whole main floor, fold and put away 5 totes of laundry, start and finish 2 blog posts, cook and clean up an entire meal all before serving it.

When you force your mind to focus and tell it, "you only have 1 hour you got this" it just happens.

Client orders, sometimes I limited myself to 1 hour at a time depending on what it is and then an hour later on etc because I become hyper focused at times and hours and hours can go by and it isn't creating a good balance between work life and SAHM life.

How do you focus? How do you divide your time?

I will update in a months time and see how I did with this :)

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