
Monday, April 22, 2019

Political post!

Posting about political stuff really isn't something I do but today I decided to be different!

Read to the end of the rant it will be worth it lol

Currently in Ontario we have a PC government which is the conservatives. The head of the party for the conservatives is a "man" named Doug Ford, he was voted in by people who apparently don't remember the Mike Harris days in Ontario or people who just like voting for someone who has no political platform of their own, called little trump, no high school education and just plain hates our province. No I don't want to hear the excuses that oh but they couldn't do any worse than the liberals.

First Ford took away the new and improved sex education, no I don't care about your opinion of transgenders, or any other LBGT+ community members or supporters, wake up its real, its now and it should have been in our sex education program years ago, as well as bullying or so many other issues what was in our sex education before got a hold of it.

Stripping OSPCA rights and ability to do their job and giving it to local law enforcement, which its a fight to get them to even respond to an animal abuse call let alone press charges. Yes I have had personal experience with this.

Taking funding from education, healthcare and so much more including the endangered species program. Don't start with me on the Trudeau carbon tax, because I will tell you right now, we had our own for years Mr.Ford removed it, so don't blame Trudeau for what Ford has done. No I am not a fan of everything the Trudeau government has done but at least he hasn't taken health care, education or rights from the ONLY animal protection agency we have.

Now that I have ranted lets get onto what I actually have to say and the real reason for this post. I am in no way a political contender I do not have the money to run for any type of government let alone the Premier of Ontario.

If I did though, I would make a few changes. Yes I know everyone says that but I truly believe that if someone who actually cared about the province and the people who live in it got elected and not someone who is just in it for power and money a lot of great things could happen. 100% of the 1% would be pissed off with me that is for sure!

 Instead of cutting health care, education, OSPCA, other animal resources. EVERY government employee would be either cut to or given a raise depending on what they currently make to $97,000.00 a year! No more no less and is everyone from the premier (yes that would be me lol) all the way down to the teachers.  BAM huge savings right there. You don't like it tough cookies, find a new job not in the government and I will find someone who actually cares about the job not the money to replace you. Yes thats right EVERYONE is replaceable.

Removing BSL well ya thats a given, tighter laws and regulations for animal breeding and abusers.

Now lets talk health care, addictions is a huge hit to our health care system and most of them are homeless or living on Ontario Works. So lets fix that, no not by drug testing for assistance but actually creating programs that help those who want to get clean, get the help they need and not just the detox but EVERYTHING that goes with it. Detox, aftercare, NA, supports, counseling because we all know that people don't become addicts just for the hell of it, oh and transitional onsite housing to help them get work after, and stay clean because we all know its not going to happen over night.

Yes there will be those who don't want the help and that is okay, lets give them clean needle sites with staff that can help them. With posters and information, someone to talk to etc to show them that when they are ready the help is there.

Now we focus on the traffickers.  Ecstasy, E, or the sex drug whatever you want to call it comes with a life sentence per 10 pills. Lets make those who sell drugs like fentanyl, purple fentanyl, and other such drug 10-25 years (25 years if life in Canada) per 2 points found on them (I was just told the other day points is how fentanyl is sold), but not just jail, while in there they have to complete mandatory drug treatment and counseling not just drug counseling but psychotherapy as well, they have to complete their grade 12 if they do not have it and pick a job they would like to have when they get out which they will be required to train for as well as work in the field supervised. Once they are released from the prison system they are not left on their own, they will have someone on the outside to continue to assist them until they are on their feet and stable. Kinda like a sponsor in AA but for newly release prisoners.

Mental health is another HUGE hit to our health care system. First we need to train our police in proper handling of a mentally ill person in crisis. This is big because right now almost all police in Ontario are riding by the seats of their pants when it comes to someone who is in the middle of a mental health crisis. Lets work with these people the same way we work the addicts. Lets get them the care and help they need and lets get them a mental health "sponsor" to help keep them on track. Lets add funding to cover psychotherapy for those who are low income to help get those who need the help to a place where they are not just functioning but thriving.

Hallway medicine is a problem in Ontario and its not that we need bigger hospitals because we don't we need more nursing staff and PSW's. We also need trauma care and help for those nurses who are burnt out. We have the beds, we have room we are lacking the staff period.

Pharmaceutical, right now if you are under 25 your prescriptions are covered, unless you have outside benefits through work and such which is great. Lets change that to ALL AGES if you do not have benefits then they are covered, minus the dispensing fee.

Dental Care this is another HUGE hit on our medical system. Lets cover once a year cleaning, help fund the dentist programs that are probono or pay what you can programs and lets cover 50% of dental care (not orthodontics) for all low income families. 

Families caring for aging loved ones, this is great for the aging person and good for the medical system so lets help them more instead of 10 hours a week covered for PSW up it to 20, add in funding for daycare type programs for the aging this would help families keep their loved ones at home instead of at hospital and would help families not feel so overwhelmed by it all, because taking care of an aging loved one is not easy. 

Follow Newfoundlands approach to everyone over the age of 18 is an automatic organ donor unless you go to the site and say no.

Well I think that about covers health care unless others have concerns as well. 

Before you start saying well cutting everyone's pay isn't going to be enough to cover everything you want it to, well we not only have taxes, federal gov funding, cannabis taxes. (Yes I am a supporter of legalization, no I don't smoke it, yes there would be more shops opening). Plus over time we are going to see drop in cost for over doses, policing, ambulances, 911 dispatchers, hospital visits etc when helping addicts get clean, helping drug traffickers get on the right path and help mental health patients get the care they need.

Yes it will be a slow process but it will be worth it.

Education!!! This is so important, but things have changed over the years and the needs of children, families, teachers and the work force has all changed too. This means our education system has to change with the times. This means BRING BACK THE SPECIAL EDUCATION CLASSES FOR THE CHILDREN WHO NEED IT, yes I said and I mean it. Dealing with a child in the school system for years showed me that these children cause more harm and disruption to the class, themselves and teachers than is safe. No child left behind I get that but lets look at doing it in this way okay move them forward with their peers but getting the help they need as well. NO child learns the same as the others. Lets make our classrooms SMALLER!!! Lets put more ECEs into the system, Lets add specialty classes younger. Yes Online learning is great but only if the child can learn in that setting, make them optional courses in high school. No tolerance on bullying means NO tolerance this means that the child being bullied and the child doing the bullying go to counseling to find out whats really going on and help them over come it. Teachers know best when it comes to education, so lets hear ALL of their input, ideas and so much more they can offer. All schools have gardens and its taught from Kindergarten all the way up. Taxes, politics, health, cooking etc all classes that are taken in collage. Instead of Gr 9 and 10 Science being mandatory. Lets do Gr9  Math, English, Nutrition/Health, History, Science, Geography, Art/Music, Career/civics mandatory. Gr 10 Math, English, Politics, Mandatory the rest optional based on each childs career choices.  Gr 11 Math, English, Taxes Mandatory the rest optional based on each childs career choices. Gr 12 Math, English the rest based on the childs career choices. Lets give them a leg up on knowing what they want to do and a taste of it in high school before they spend 10,000.00s of thousands of dollars on schooling and realize it is not for them. 

Put back the money Mr.Ford has taken from low income families for collage. 
Put back the teachers, the EA's and other support staff Mr.Ford has taken. 

Where is this money coming from you ask? well lets see taxes, federal government funding, the cuts I made to the government employees and the money not being funneled into health care for addicts cycle of addiction, not funneled into the mentally ill who are left in crisis. 

 Prison System, this one makes me mad. Our System in so broken it isn't even funny. First ALL inmates who are in jail for cannabis use or trafficking are now released. Those in jail for trafficking in general will go through the new program. Those in for crimes against children, murder or worse they need physiotherapy and other therapy needed for whatever is mentally wrong that caused them to commit the crimes, get their high school degrees, and focus on a career. Also there is nothing wrong with prisoner that work. Lets bring back the full inmate working program.

More guards with full police training plus other training. More support for guards and prison staff just like the nurses and first responders. 

Restaurants and businesses who donate day olds or left overs at the end of the night to local food banks get cut backs!!!

Follow Newfoundlands approach to everyone over the age of 18 is an automatic organ donor unless you go to the site and say no. 

I have a ton more that would change for the better, but in all reality this post is LONG AND BORING so I doubt anyone will actually read it all. 

What would you change if you were Premier? 

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