
Saturday, April 20, 2019

Homeschool: Birthdays

Birthdays now a days are hard for any child at any age. Most invite the whole class, those who are in school anyway, and no one shows up or only one person shows.

I spend 100's of dollars and 1000's of hours planning and getting everything ready for my son's birthday to have only my business partner and her children show up. Well this is not only hard on the child but it sucks a parent to see your child have to go through that. Not even family shows up for his party.

I noticed a lot of homeschool parents have this problem too as we do not have an entire class to invite and if you do not have a large extended family or friends group well then you have wasted time, money and your child's heart and not understanding why no one wants to come to their awesome party.

When I was a child we went to EVERYONES birthday and everyone came to ours, there was never a worry about if someone was going to show up or not. I was taught from a young age you are lucky enough to be invited to someones party you are going period. And our parents didn't throw elaborate parties, there were games, hot dogs (pizza if you were lucky), prizes, cake, presents and playing. The parties I throw today would be considered weddings with the amount of time, money and work that goes into them.

I spoke to other parents in the home school group and they have the same problem when they do not have large families or friend groups. They all do trips and things like so this year I have decided to do just that, we are doing a big trip to legoland!!! instead of having a party that no one comes too.

We will still do our tradition of East Side Mario's which we have done every year since his first birthday that is just us and a great time. 

With that brought to light though it has given me the ability to see that this is a sad problem for many in the homeschool group, so with that said I decided that if parents are hosting a party for their child and they are wanting to have kids actually attend to post the party in our homeschool group and invite everyone to join them in that age range so they have friends to play with. Who knows life long connects might be made at one of those parties.

A child should never have to ask why friends and family don't attend his parties, or feel lonely on their on birthday. So no more!!! Do I care what family says? Nope. My business partner has already said she will go with us so the only one who comes will be there anyway so that is all that matters.

Everyone deserves to feel special and loved on their birthday!!!!

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