
Tuesday, April 16, 2019


With homeschooling comes comments and opinions from all sides and with those comes more mom guilt and with that comes the worry that you are not doing enough, that your child isn't where they are supposed to be, that you are doing you child a disservice.

Then comes appointments like the one we had the other day at Pathways, it is our local center that helps children with all kinds of things. From speech to severe autism, they are amazing!

Just before my son turned 4 he had an apt because I was worried about some of his word sounds and the way he says things.

At that appointment she told me to work on waiting games so he could work on waiting for the other person to go.

The differences from then to now, which is about 6/7 months later. He is 4, is has at least double the attention span of last time, is great with waiting his turn and scored high on everything expect for explaining why two things go together. IE foot, bed, hand. Foot and hand go together because they are both body parts. His answer was because you walk with one and write with the other. Which she said if it wasn't a standardized test he would have gotten that right. IE Pants, Bread, Shirt. Pants and Shirt because they are both clothes. He said because they keep you warm. She said once again he would have gotten that right but because its standardized it has to be a certain way.

At the end of the appointment she said he is doing amazing and discharging him because he is a at the age 6-8 for speech.

There is a test that when he is 6 I might want to have him do there which is the same as what I have. My ears hear it but my brain doesn't process it all the time. This means that people repeat themselves a lot or it takes a min for my brain to catch up lol.

Just the way it is but he can't be tested for it until after 6 years of age.

One proud momma over here!!!

He may not be able to write yet but he can speak and organize and follow directions in an advanced way.

I will toot the homeschool horn for a few days or until someone so nicely points out that hes missing out on such and such and mom guilt takes over once again.

Whats your mom guilt look like?

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