
Monday, April 29, 2019


My posts lately have been a little hard core and a bit hard to swallow especially if you are not ready for those topics. With that being said, those posts will continue to come because today YOU might not want/need to hear what is said in them but someone else might.

Well this post is far from hard to swallow, well unless you are swallowing poop, then it might be.

Either way, we all know it has been wet and gross and muddy. We all know what happens to dog poop in this weather and like any other normal swamped person I don't do dog poop EVERYDAY. I know shock and awe, its supposed to be done EVERYDAY, well whoever said that is full of....POOP.

We have a dog kiddie corner to us. He isn't the friendliest of sorts with our dogs and that is okay, but this lead to me running out back and dragging my guys in as to not bark too much and drive the the already crazy neighbours even more batty.

Well this spring I have my new pair of slippers, the ones we couldn't figure out if it was a bear or dog or what on earth it was supposed to me. They were a casualty of me running around the yard not watching where I was going chasing my 200lbs dog who believes that this is all fun and games, while my foster looked at us like we were nuts. I am sure right along with EVERYONE who was looking out their back windows at the crazy lady in slippers yelling at a 200lbs dog that is not funny, this is not a game while said 200lbs dog has the biggest grin on his face loving every minute of it. Did I mention it was raining.....SIGH

I get in the house and have to toss my slippers because can you wash them, of course not why would I buy washable slippers lol. 

Once again last week here I am chasing this 200lbs dog around the yard who thinks it is the best time in the world while the neighbours dogs barks and growls and anyone looking out their windows is laughing and recording the crazy lady with her 200lbs dog. Once again it is raining! Oh and this time I am wearing my new shoes! Yes my brand new shoes, why on earth do I even do that.

I come in the house and my shoes have poop on them, up side they can be washed. Down side I am soaked and annoyed and Bossoc is supper happy because he just had the time of his life...AGAIN. Gus isn't sure what the hell is going on but he is wet and unhappy about it.

I "ASK" Richard to wash shoes because I had asked him the day before to do poop (its done like every other day unless we have a mountain of dogs), he says he did , I beg to differ, I put my shoes in the unfinished bathtub and ask him to wash them off.

It is now week 2, I have been wearing my hiking shoes (They needed broken in anyway) and I am not washing my shoes on principal, well at least the first day it was on principal, the rest of days have just been because I had forgotten that they are in there and need to be washed. Eventually I will get to washing them just like I get to everything else, likely when I repeat the task and chasing Bossco and stepping in poop once again.

Yes I am laughing, yes I think it is all too funny! Even in the moment soaked chasing my dog its funny because well if you can not laugh at your soaking wet, dog chasing, poop stepping self what else can you laugh at :)

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