
Tuesday, January 19, 2021

My first time

 After months of staring at them, worried and intimidated, it took the lack of fabric to finally dive into it.

I have the type of personality that if I am going to do something it must be something I can "master". Failure is not something that I do.

After a few hours of setting up and asking someone who has done this for 35 years and temps. Because I was not going to screw this up. I got it all set up.

At this point, our local fabric land was finally opening back up after what felt like an eternity of being closed. Masks were in high demand and fabric choices were in low supply.

I went into fabric land and bought 10 meters of 100% polyester. I had confidence. I told myself YOU WILL NOT SCREW THIS UP. It cost way too much to get it set up to blow it.

I decided it's small, it's a mask I got this. For months I had been reading and researching I GOT THIS!

I printed off my first print, I put it in the press for 60 seconds, but had my press set for vinyl pressing and it wasn't enough pressure. SIGH

This is how it looked, it was okay but I wasn't happy. 

Okay, let's fix this issue, we have an older than dirt heat press which means it is a pain in the rear to change the heat setting on and almost impossible to change the pressure setting and I surely wasn't going to change the pressure setting every time I needed to switch from vinyl to sublimation.

Solution: Add a folded piece of flannel that I am never going to use again to the bottom of the heat press this way I can remove it when I need to put something thicker than a mask in the heat press.

Put the temp 5 degrees lower than 400 and the vinyl won't melt, it will be good to go and I won't have to change it!!

Okay, heat press 390-395 degrees. Extra flannel on press for the pressure we are good to go.

Step 1) heat the press fully

Step 2) put parchment (butcher paper) on the flannel

Step 3) put your fabric on the parchment then your image then more parchment (You have to change the parchment with EVERY SINGLE PRESS yes it seems like a waste but you can't use the Teflon sheets you do for vinyl)

Step 4) close the press and set timmer for 60 seconds

Step 5) open press give it a second because dang it's hot (Imagine that right?)

Step 6) love it!!!

Now we don't have to worry about the fabric shortage we can just do it!

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Jan 2021 Week 2 homeschool

 C was next up to pick what she wanted to learn about this month. It was cooking. She loves helping in the kitchen so, this didn't come as much of a surprise.

Our days this week will go as follows:

Breakfast, get dressed, hair

Workbooks or worksheets (I alternate daily to keep them from getting bored.)

15 min outside break


A kids cooking video (I fold a basket of laundry in the living room while they watch the video)

15-minute break

Reading (They each read a book at their level one on one with me)


I use the period between lunch and snack to work or if things took longer in the morning, we finish up what we need to.


15 minutes outside

Each day 2 children will be helping me make dinner as we are learning about cooking this week!


Walk dogs

Baths, snacks, stories, teeth and bed.

I clean up and work until I fall asleep.

I found the most amazing cooking videos for kids! We watch 1 episode each day, not the full compilation.

On the kid's breaks, I tidy, put laundry in, do dishes, blog and answer clients.

Not every day is perfect. Some days the kids are not feeling it so, we might skip an activity or two or even the whole day depending on how they are.

I have days as well where I am not up to teaching because I am burnt out.

Despite the amount of tidying I do, it would seem my house will NEVER be spotless again :)

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Jan 2021 Spotify



Since the pandemic started and we are spending a lot more time at home music has been become a staple in our house. If I am not listening to music it's the news or an audiobook.

The kids know how to use Alexa so when I click on Spotify what is new for this week I get a whole bunch of weird music I haven't even heard of before based on what they have listened to.

Let's take a look at what is on that list for this week! The list is called discover weekly

Song 1) Vive Le Vent by Richard Huet, Sonia Bilodeau from the year 1986
    Well, this song came out the year after I was born. I have never heard of this song or the people who sing it. What about you?  I only listened to the first few seconds of this song and well I am guessing it is from the kids playing Christmas music lol.

Song 2) Jingle Jangle by Dimitri
    Look at that another Christmas song, but this time it's a RAP one lol. I only listened to a few seconds of it but from what I can tell it's a version of Jingle Bells.

Song 3) Even a Miracle Needs a hand by Sonntag 1974
    It took me a minute to figure out what kind of song it was. It would seem to be a Christmas song.

Song 4) Feliz Chanukah by Six13
    It is....You guessed another Christmas song lol. I listened to the first few minutes and I know the beat but I have no idea what they are saying.

Song 5) Voici Le Pere Noel by Les Classels
    COME ON!!! AT least it could be in English lol

Song 6) Angels Among Us by Alabama
    Now, this isn't really a Christmas song. It's an old song and one I grew up listening to. If you haven't listened to it please do. I am not a religious person but this song is touching.

Song 7) Good king wenceslaus by Clamavi De Profundis
    At least this Christmas song is in a language that I can understand and actually has a good beat and I love the vocals.

Song 8) Jingle Jangle by Rehya Stevens
    Well if you didn't know there are two songs with the same title, there are. They couldn't be more different than apples and oranges.

Song 9) Raise The Woof! by
    WHAT THE HECK DID I JUST LISTEN TOO! It caused Tessa to have a complete barking fit. At least it isn't Christmas?

Song 10) O Come, All Ye Faithful by Eva Cassidy
    Oh look there it is CHRISTMAS. She has a very pretty voice and this one song I can't listen to without singing.

Well, I think the girls need a bit better taste in music lol.

It is fun though to see what comes up when they play with it all month :)

Friday, January 15, 2021

Shortbread cookies


Don't you just love cookies that melt in your mouth when you eat them? For me, a good shortbread recipe should do just that. I have tried many over the years and most have only been so-so. 

I was impressed by these ones. This recipe is one I made with the kids and we found it on Pinterest. 

It's super simple so that makes it even better right?

What you need: 

  • 1 cup butter, softened (I used salted)
  • 1/4 cup corn starch
  • 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup confectioner’s sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cup toppings of choice, sprinkles, nuts, candy, etc. (We used coloured sanding sugar and chocolate kisses)

What you need to do: 

Step 1: Preheat oven to 350 

Step 2: Line a baking sheet with parchment

Step 3: Put butter in a bowl and whip until fluffy (I used my kitchen aid mixer)

Step 4: Add all dry ingredients (Not your toppings) mix until everything has incorporated

Step 5: Portion using 1 tablespoon and roll into balls. Place the balls onto the parchment paper. You need about 2 inches of spacing or your cookies will stick together. 

Step 6: Put a little bit of confectioner sugar into a bowl. Using a fork dip it into the sugar and gently push each cookie flat. (They should be about 1/2 inch thick)

Step 7: Put on your toppings. 

Step 8: Bake in the oven for about 14 minutes. (Check bottoms at 10 minutes if your oven runs hot)

Step 9: Cool on cookie sheet for a few mins and then move to plate or wire racks to finish cooling. 

ENJOY now or freeze in containers or freezer bags for another day. Remember to put parchment between the layers of cookies when freezing. 




Thursday, January 14, 2021

Jan 2021 Week 1 homeschool

 Our homeschool schedule changes so much sometimes I wouldn't even call it that.

I try to keep it relatively the same day to day, 7 days a week for C. It helps her regulate.

This month each of the children picked something they want to learn about on top of our day to day learning.

H being the youngest got to pick what we did the first week. I let them each decide at the start of the month so it gives me time to plan activities and print off anything we need.

H picked "ABCD's" so our first week looked like this:
Workbooks or worksheets
15min break
journals or art or a science experiment
15 min break
a video on the letters, letter sounds etc, or a letter game.

Game one: We have the alphabet taped along the hallway wall and I wrote the capital and lower case letters on sticky notes in random order and they took turns matching the sticky notes to the letters on the wall.

Game two: Letter finishing. They each get a sheet with letters on it, they pull a foam letter out of the bin and match it to the letter on their sheet.

Game three: Letter BINGO. each child gets a BINGO card and I pull the foam letters out of the BIN and call out the letter and put a mark on their card. We do this 5 times so they each get a turn calling out the letters.

15 mins outside

Snack and reading

Normally we are done school before lunch depending on how long each activity takes.


I work in the afternoons and they have free play unless things took longer in the morning and we are finishing up.

Snack and I start dinner, usually 1 or more help me with dinner.

After snack, it's another 15 minutes outside.

In the mornings on the 15 minutes between I start laundry, tidy the main floor, answer clients, blog, empty and reload the dishwasher.



Baths, snacks, stories, teeth and bedtime snuggles.

I try to print everything I need at the start of the month, if not I do it at night after the kids are in bed.

I get a lot of printables right from google images. Such as searching ABC BINGO and just printing 4 different bingo cards so they don't get the same one each.

Even though I try to have everything together not every day goes according to the plan. Having children with special needs (or children in general) means following their cues for that day and some days are just tougher than others and that could mean very little seated school work or none at all. Sometimes I am just burnt out too (that happens to parents) and I need a break so we take the day and play.

Yes, I tidy A LOT but with 4 children, 3 adults and 2+ dogs (depending on fosters) you will never be able to eat off my floors.

Some of the videos we watched are: video 1

                                                            video 2 

I printed the BINGO from here.  

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Virtual Learning...Sigh

 I have recently become annoyed with the term that all parents are using right now "Homeschool".

Pretty much everyone in Ontario is back to virtual learning. This means they log their children into a website each day where they watch their teacher teach the class.

That my friends is NOT homeschooling, this is virtual learning.

This might come as a surprise but homeschoolers do not log their children onto a website and have their children watch their teacher teach a class. Unless your children are attending an online high school where they have to attend some lectures online.

Homeschoolers plan, prep, and teach their children the lessons. They spend hundreds of hours a month getting things ready for their children's learning.

I know it may seem like I am being overly sensitive about something that really doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things.

For me, the issue is that there is so much more to homeschooling children than logging them into a website.

Yes, it is hard right now for parents who are not used to having their children home suddenly having them home all day again. I 100% sympathize that it is a lot of work to have them home all day long, but it's still not homeschooling when someone else is doing the prep and teaching.

Deciding to homeschool was the best decision I could have ever made for my son and the girls in our care.

The girls have come leaps and bounds with their skills and learning and my son rocks being homeschooled where in a classroom he would regress from all of his senses being overwhelmed.

Homeschool isn't for everyone and it isn't for every child either. Virtual learning which is what schools in Ontario are doing right now isn't great. They apparently haven't had enough time to perfect it over the past 10 months, but it is what it is and most families are making due.

Being in a lockdown and stuck in the house while trying to navigate a broken system isn't fun for anyone at all and honestly, I would think doing workbooks and print out pages and other learning activities at home until school is allowed back in might be the better way to go for those who are really struggling with it.

Will it screw your kid up not doing the virtual learning while in the lockdown? NO!! I know lots of parents who "unschool" their children as their choice of homeschooling and they go onto lead full, productive and educated lives. "unschooling" means that there are math books, English books etc (unless the child wants them). They learn through real life experiences and all the things around them.

Our brains are built to learn and grow and adapt to the ever-changing world.

Will they be behind everyone else? Nope.

The school system is broken to start with and most children are "behind" because they don't teach in a way that each child can learn, they teach in one way only and for those who learn it great and for those who don't they are pretty much on their own.
Maybe them being home will show you where they actually are, where they need improvement and maybe you can figure out what works best for their learning styles.

Don't force your children. If they are fighting logging in to virtual learning, maybe talk to them about it. Ask them questions without judgement and listen with an open mind and heart.

We all want our children to succeed but forcing them isn't going to do that.

I wish all the families doing virtual learning the best of luck and all the patience in the world. We are in a high-stress situation and our kids are too! 

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

January 2021 personal challenge

 Trying to pick a challenge when the month has already started is such a bad idea.

You have to pick on that you are will to cover 2 days of each day until you are caught up to where you are in that month.

So scrolling through Pinterest for what seemed like forever, likely only 20 minutes, I managed to find some for next month I want to try and in the end, found one I was willing to give a go for this month.

I don't like the title of this one " 31 days of adulting challenge" because it implies that we are not adults if we don't do these things already. I figure for most of the things on this list that isn't the case at all. What actually is the case is that we are all very busy people and a lot of these things we don't put at the top of our priority list. Some of the things on this might even be things that you do all the time. For me the washing your sheets one I do that EVERY week, all the sheets, blankets and pillowcases get washed in this house every week. Retirement plan, that has never been on my list because I have always had more important things to do, even though in my early 20's I promised I would set something up.

What are some of the things on this list that you do all the time? What are some that are never on your to-do list?

A few things on the list I might change to better fit my personality be bold, not really my thing and how on earth am I going to be bold in a lockdown. That one I will change to try a food you have never tried before!

What are some you would change to fit your personality?


Monday, January 11, 2021

Chocolate Crinkle Cookies




 Normally I stick to the same recipes every year for my Christmas cookie trays. Each year I look at neat new recipes and think I am going to try that this year and then they just end up saved in the back of the drawer or as a pin on one of my Pinterest boards.

2020 I decided to give a few of these a try that has just been sitting there looking yummy, but I never knew if they actually were.

These are old fashion crinkle cookies and in the photos, they look amazing, on the tongue they taste delightful and for the soul, they are a hug of Christmases of past.

The recipe is super simple too and guess what? they make that crinkle pattern all by themselves!! Even better news right?

What you need:

1/2 cup vegetable oil (I used Canola oil)
2 cups granulated sugar
4 large eggs
2 teaspoons  pure vanilla extract
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup unsweetened cocoa  
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon  kosher salt (I used normal salt)
1/4 cup confectioners sugar (I used more like 1/2 a cup)

What you need to do:

1) Whisk together the oil and sugar in a large bowl (I used my kitchen aid mixer). Add in eggs and vanilla and whisk until well combined.

2) Whisk together flour, cocoa powder, baking powder and salt in a separate bowl. Slowly pour the flour mixture into the sugar mixture and stir until well combined.

3) Chill the dough in the refrigerator for 15 to 30 minutes. (it was more like an hour as I started and finished another recipe while these were in the fridge)

4) Preheat the oven to 350°F. Shape dough into 1 1/2 inch balls (I use a tablespoon).

5) Place confectioners’ sugar in a small bowl and roll each cookie in the sugar.

6) Place cookies onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Bake 8 to 10 minutes (mine were 10 minutes), or until the cookies are slightly crisp around the edges and soft in the middle. Allow to cool on the pan for 2 minutes, and then transfer to a cooling rack. (I gave them a little squish to flatten them a bit because I was worried they would not flatten outright)

You can eat them right away and their centers are amazingly soft. Each of the children and adults got to try 1/2 of one before I put them into containers and into the freezer. I put parchment between each layer of cookies in the containers. Now with these ones, I didn't freeze them for long maybe a few days and once they came to room temperature open the taste and texture were the same as the day they were baked!!!

After looking at A LOT of crinkle cookie recipes I found this one to the best!

Sunday, January 10, 2021

January 2021 reading

 What are you reading/listening to right now?

When I first started to listen to audiobooks I wasn't a huge fan because I like to sticky note pages and highlight passages. With an audiobook, you can't do that.

The thing you can do with an audiobook is to listen while you are doing everything else! This is by far the best invention ever because there isn't often that I get to sit and read unless I am in a waiting room or in the car.

I use the app Audible. I pay about 13.00 a month and get a credit per month. There are also times they release free books that don't cost you any credits at all. I don't normally listen to 1 audiobook a month so they pile up and then I get a notification that I need to use a credit before it expires then I pick one of the books to want to read later on.

I do have a million hard copy books that I need to read and there a few audiobooks I will be getting the hard copy of so I can highlight and sticky note the crap out of them.

I listen/read a variety of books from physiology to fantasy.

Right now my car book which I take into waiting rooms with me is called Sensational Kids: Hope and Help for children with sensory processing disorder. It is a great book!

Last week I finished the audiobook titled unconditional parenting by Alfie Kohn. He is one of my favourite authors and he even reads his own book for audible.

I have two audiobooks on the go, one that I am listening to with Connely and it is titled I hate you - Don't leave me by Jerold Kresiman it is very insightful.

The second book that I am listening to is titled Loving an Addict, Loving yourself. It is by Candace Plattor.

I mainly read books where I can learn something. Yes, there isn't much in my life I don't do that doesn't have a "purpose" including my reading for "pleasure". I do enjoy the odd fantasy book but the author has to be pretty amazing to draw me in.

Friday, January 8, 2021


As everyone knows, well I guess everyone who lives in Ontario or knows someone who lives in Ontario knows, that we went into lockdown at 12:01 am on boxing day.

This caused a huge uproar within the different pandemic groups in Ontario.

The "Covid isn't real" group. They are mad because the government is infringing on their freedoms and rights.

The "They are not doing enough". They are mad because they believe that lockdown should have started before Christmas to help prevent people from gathering on Christmas. (lockdown or not they those who were going to gather were going to do it whether the government said to or not)

The "Small Businesses are the only ones suffering" Group. They are mad because big box stores are allowed to stay open and sell whatever they want as long as they sell food. Small businesses have to go to curbside or delivery. (This one I understand)

Where do you fall?

I fall into the middle of the last two and a little bit of another group. Should have the government shut down before Christmas to prevent people from gathering? No, because they would do it either way. Do I agree giving businesses a chance to prep for the lockdown was smart? Yes, 100%, giving them time to get their business in order was the best decision.

Here is my theory, this comes from a person who is not educated in politics or epidemiology or economics or anything that would really make a difference to decision-makers in this province.

We came out of the first lockdown too fast. We sent students and teachers into the trenches. We allowed people to get lazy with mask-wearing and following social distancing. Those of us who follow the rules, wear the mask, visit no one, stick to porch drop-offs and talking on the phone understand that we are in lockdown for a reason. We look beyond ourselves and understand that we not only need to protect ourselves but the others around us.

Should people be held accountable for their actions 100% Those who won't wear a mask, won't social distance, won't limit contact outside their homes, won't help protect those who are on the front are the problem.

What should it look like to be held accountable? Well, jail and fines are not working. Let's put ankle monitors on them so they can't leave their house (shock collars would work to IMO). And no I am not joking, we put them on people who are willing to put others at risk to make sure they are not. These people who are not following the rules are doing just that, putting other people at risk.

Small businesses are right, big box stores should not be able to sell TVs and other items that are non-essential while we are in lockdown.
Clothing is essential, a TV and sound system isn't.

Small businesses worked hard and spent out of pocket to keep their clients and communities safe.

What can we do? Buy curbside from small businesses. Allow small businesses to open and make sure they follow the rules. If they don't then that business has to close but not all of them.

Yes schools closed are a hardship for a lot of parents and that isn't okay but sending teachers and students into overcrowded, rule-breaking classrooms isn't okay either.

What should we do? Weekly testing of teachers, staff and students even if they are asymptomatic. Limit it to 15 students per class so they can be socially distanced. Limited amount of classes outside at a time for breaks and NO MINGLING. This means that each class must remain together while inside and outside.

Most of the spread is through social gatherings. This is horrible because that means many people are not following the social distancing rules and no one is holding them accountable.

A solution to that? Police need to hold them accountable by fining people, making arrests and actually having some follow-through in this matter.

Are those of us who follow every single rule to a T sick and tired of this whole mess? Yes, we are. Are we struggling to stay afloat and keep moving forward, especially in Canadian winter, more than words can express. The thing is though we are still doing it. Not for us but for others.

Am I saying those who will not follow the rules are selfish? yes, 100% I am.

There are some funny memes out there about wearing a mask and staying away from people. Those who created them are using a passive-aggressive way of saying get your fucking head out of your ass and "MAN THE FUCK UP" (sorry for the language but some people won't take you seriously if you don't yell)

No matter what the government says or does they will take flack for it and am I a fan of Doug Ford? NO. When this whole thing started I was proud of how he stepped up and was working hard to help people stay safe. Right now I think a lot of his decision, indecisive behaviour and unclear information or even information what changes within the same 1hr speech isn't helping anyone. I can't stand the guy, I can't stand the crap is doing now and I think he is a pain in the ass.

Also, you can't just tell people not to travel outside the country unless it is essential, you actually need to have a travel ban in place that will not allow people in or out unless it is essential. Make sure airports and border control have a list of what is considered essential and make sure they stick to it.

It is not rocket science, it is actually so simple the children get understand it. If it isn't essential don't leave your house. If you have to leave your house wear a mask properly. Do not stand within 6ft of someone who doesn't live with you, even if you have a mask on.

I don't understand how come these rules are so hard to follow for some. Are you lonely? Yes. Are you scared because we have no idea when this is all going to end? Yes.

Here is the thing though, the faster we stick to the rules (ALL of us not just some) the faster we will be on the other side of this. Yes the vaccine is here and yes they are getting it in people's arms but we seem to forget that until 90% of the population is fully vaccinated (First and second doses) we are all at risk.

Let me put it in simple words. All the ICU beds are full of covid patients, you have a car accident, there is no bed for you, you die. SO follow the rules so that the bed stays open just for you! Be selfish and keep that hospital bed open for you by following the damn rules!

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Jan 2021 workout challenge

You read that right I am starting new monthly challenges. 1 work out one and one other that we will see for far I get into 2021 before I forget that I was doing a challenge a month. I didn't get very far into 2020 before I forgot all about it. For my first challenge of 2021 it will be the squat challenge. I LOVE this one and I like to start the year off with this one because it makes me feel so good and squats are great for your body. On top of the squats, I will continue to do my morning and evening yoga as well as my evening walk. The walk will depend on if it is raining or not. Normally my squat challenge is to get to 100 squats in a row by building up to that each day. This time my goal is 250 squats per day. Figured since I already did this challenge so I should up my game. I don't do New Year's resolutions. I go by each day is a new start so for me it's redundant to make those. However; for the children, I would like them to each think of three goals they would like to have this year. Which I will cover in a different blog post. Do you do New Year's resolutions? Do have goals?

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Clogged Print Heads


This won't apply to many of you if you don't have a printer or do sublimation.

In January 2020 I started the process of buying everything I need to start doing sublimation I was so excited.

Finally, when I built up the courage to actually put everything together and give it a try I became addicted.

I print every day so when they tell you that not printing every day will cause your print heads to clog that isn't true. For the past 2 days or so I have been fighting with my printer and it having a blocked magenta head.

A few months ago it was a black one. With a few hours of fighting and cleaning it, I got it fixed.

This one was a horrible block, it took me days of flushing it and letting it soak for it to actually clear, I was starting to think I was going to have to replace my not so cheap printer.

Today in the last-ditch effort I consulted Dr. Google. I came across a website that said to do something I had not tried before but figured it was worth it if it worked.

Now I am cheap I don't use or buy print head solutions. I use rubbing alcohol that I get from the dollar store. I buy 50% or higher compound.

I use the syringes that came with the ink when I ordered.

Qtips and cotton pads are something I use as well.


1) Remove Cartridges

2) Check to make sure your cartridges actually have ink in them. Also, check and make sure they are primed and don't have air in them. (If there is air in them you can use your syringe and suck it out)

Stop here do a print head test to see if the problem is fixed. If nope onto the next

3) Remove cartridges

4) Soak a cotton round with the rubbing alcohol and squeeze it onto the head(s) that are clogged and leave it squished on it for an hour or two.  

5) Time-lapse for 2 hours. Clean up any excess liquid. Reinstall the cartridges, do a head check print.

At this point, I hope your good to go if not onto the next.

6) Turn the printer off then back on with the lid lifted. Unplug the printer mid startup with the cartridges sitting in the middle. This will make it so you can move the cartridges back and forth.

7) Remove the cartridges.

8) Where the cartridges normally sit you will see what looks like small sponges gently blot those with a paper towel, they might be super full.

9) Fold a paper towel up but keep it thin. Get it wet with warm water and rubbing alcohol (not soaking wet) and place it on the track, slide the print head over it.

10) For this step I had to jimmy rig something to work with it because I didn't have the special tube for it. I took the bottle lid to one of my refills that was the perfect size and placed it over the print head of the blocked colour. I put the syringe with rubbing alcohol in it and pushed it into the bottle lid that is fitted over the print head (i did order the right tube to do this so I will not have to jimmy rig it in the future).

Stop here do a print head test to see if the problem is fixed. If nope onto the next.
 I am thanking my lucky stars that this one worked for me.

11) Next is calling your local ink shop and seeing they do professional cleaning or just buying a new printer the choice is up to you!

Yes, it took until Step 10 to order to get my printer fixed and working again. It was a long process but for me worth it!

When you print every day, with clients waiting for orders it is really hard to be without your printer even for a day.

Please click this link for full details and pictures of everything.

I did order the proper tubes from amazon just to make my life easier for when this happens again, and yes in the sublimation world it is going to happen A LOT!

Good luck!

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Reindeer poop

So many recipes to try so little time

I miss my drive to bake, I miss the energy I had to be in the kitchen all the time.

The kids LOVE being in the kitchen with me whether it is baking or cooking dinner they don't want to miss a minute of it.

This year I have been baking with each little one to make cookies for the cookie trays. For this, my OCD has to take a back burner which is hard for me to do. Years of baking cakes and so many other sweet treats for clients where everything had to be perfect will do that to a person.

No, I don't let the kids pick their own recipes only because they don't know enough about the millions of different cookies to make choices. For example, every time I bake with "H" she wants to make oatmeal cookies, that would make for some pretty boring cookie trays if they were only filled with oatmeal cookies.

This year I am winging the cookie trays, it will be whatever I feel like baking that day on each of them.

Thus far we have made oatmeal, oatmeal chocolate chip, what I call reindeer poop, confetti squares, and whipped shortbread.

The oatmeal, oatmeal chocolate chip, and reindeer poop all made it to the freezer. The confetti squares seem to have been eaten by our house hippos. We will be remaking those.

The oatmeal cookies are one recipe that I will never give out.

This is the recipe for the reindeer poop cookies. I LOVE these cookies and have been making them since I was about 12, it is a recipe my grandmother taught me.

Reindeer poop

What you need:

3 cups quick oats
1 cup flaked coconut (you can use sweetened or unsweetened)
2  cups white sugar
1/2  cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2 milk
1/2 margarine

What to do:

1) Mix oats and coconut in a large bowl

2) In a heavy saucepan or a normal pot (I use a special heavy saucepan that is only used for baking) mix butter, cocoa, milk and margarine together. Over medium heat melt everything together. Bring to a boil and allow to cook for 2 more minutes.

3) Line a cookie sheet with parchment (I like when recipes tell me to do things like this while I am waiting for things to mix from step 1)

4) Once it has cooked for 2 minutes pour over the oats and coconut in your large bowl. Mix well.

5) By the tablespoon put scoops onto your lined cookie sheet and put in the fridge until hard. Eat right away, store in a container or freeze like what we are doing.

Let me know how yours turned!!! I would like to see pictures of your creations!