
Friday, January 8, 2021


As everyone knows, well I guess everyone who lives in Ontario or knows someone who lives in Ontario knows, that we went into lockdown at 12:01 am on boxing day.

This caused a huge uproar within the different pandemic groups in Ontario.

The "Covid isn't real" group. They are mad because the government is infringing on their freedoms and rights.

The "They are not doing enough". They are mad because they believe that lockdown should have started before Christmas to help prevent people from gathering on Christmas. (lockdown or not they those who were going to gather were going to do it whether the government said to or not)

The "Small Businesses are the only ones suffering" Group. They are mad because big box stores are allowed to stay open and sell whatever they want as long as they sell food. Small businesses have to go to curbside or delivery. (This one I understand)

Where do you fall?

I fall into the middle of the last two and a little bit of another group. Should have the government shut down before Christmas to prevent people from gathering? No, because they would do it either way. Do I agree giving businesses a chance to prep for the lockdown was smart? Yes, 100%, giving them time to get their business in order was the best decision.

Here is my theory, this comes from a person who is not educated in politics or epidemiology or economics or anything that would really make a difference to decision-makers in this province.

We came out of the first lockdown too fast. We sent students and teachers into the trenches. We allowed people to get lazy with mask-wearing and following social distancing. Those of us who follow the rules, wear the mask, visit no one, stick to porch drop-offs and talking on the phone understand that we are in lockdown for a reason. We look beyond ourselves and understand that we not only need to protect ourselves but the others around us.

Should people be held accountable for their actions 100% Those who won't wear a mask, won't social distance, won't limit contact outside their homes, won't help protect those who are on the front are the problem.

What should it look like to be held accountable? Well, jail and fines are not working. Let's put ankle monitors on them so they can't leave their house (shock collars would work to IMO). And no I am not joking, we put them on people who are willing to put others at risk to make sure they are not. These people who are not following the rules are doing just that, putting other people at risk.

Small businesses are right, big box stores should not be able to sell TVs and other items that are non-essential while we are in lockdown.
Clothing is essential, a TV and sound system isn't.

Small businesses worked hard and spent out of pocket to keep their clients and communities safe.

What can we do? Buy curbside from small businesses. Allow small businesses to open and make sure they follow the rules. If they don't then that business has to close but not all of them.

Yes schools closed are a hardship for a lot of parents and that isn't okay but sending teachers and students into overcrowded, rule-breaking classrooms isn't okay either.

What should we do? Weekly testing of teachers, staff and students even if they are asymptomatic. Limit it to 15 students per class so they can be socially distanced. Limited amount of classes outside at a time for breaks and NO MINGLING. This means that each class must remain together while inside and outside.

Most of the spread is through social gatherings. This is horrible because that means many people are not following the social distancing rules and no one is holding them accountable.

A solution to that? Police need to hold them accountable by fining people, making arrests and actually having some follow-through in this matter.

Are those of us who follow every single rule to a T sick and tired of this whole mess? Yes, we are. Are we struggling to stay afloat and keep moving forward, especially in Canadian winter, more than words can express. The thing is though we are still doing it. Not for us but for others.

Am I saying those who will not follow the rules are selfish? yes, 100% I am.

There are some funny memes out there about wearing a mask and staying away from people. Those who created them are using a passive-aggressive way of saying get your fucking head out of your ass and "MAN THE FUCK UP" (sorry for the language but some people won't take you seriously if you don't yell)

No matter what the government says or does they will take flack for it and am I a fan of Doug Ford? NO. When this whole thing started I was proud of how he stepped up and was working hard to help people stay safe. Right now I think a lot of his decision, indecisive behaviour and unclear information or even information what changes within the same 1hr speech isn't helping anyone. I can't stand the guy, I can't stand the crap is doing now and I think he is a pain in the ass.

Also, you can't just tell people not to travel outside the country unless it is essential, you actually need to have a travel ban in place that will not allow people in or out unless it is essential. Make sure airports and border control have a list of what is considered essential and make sure they stick to it.

It is not rocket science, it is actually so simple the children get understand it. If it isn't essential don't leave your house. If you have to leave your house wear a mask properly. Do not stand within 6ft of someone who doesn't live with you, even if you have a mask on.

I don't understand how come these rules are so hard to follow for some. Are you lonely? Yes. Are you scared because we have no idea when this is all going to end? Yes.

Here is the thing though, the faster we stick to the rules (ALL of us not just some) the faster we will be on the other side of this. Yes the vaccine is here and yes they are getting it in people's arms but we seem to forget that until 90% of the population is fully vaccinated (First and second doses) we are all at risk.

Let me put it in simple words. All the ICU beds are full of covid patients, you have a car accident, there is no bed for you, you die. SO follow the rules so that the bed stays open just for you! Be selfish and keep that hospital bed open for you by following the damn rules!

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