
Thursday, January 14, 2021

Jan 2021 Week 1 homeschool

 Our homeschool schedule changes so much sometimes I wouldn't even call it that.

I try to keep it relatively the same day to day, 7 days a week for C. It helps her regulate.

This month each of the children picked something they want to learn about on top of our day to day learning.

H being the youngest got to pick what we did the first week. I let them each decide at the start of the month so it gives me time to plan activities and print off anything we need.

H picked "ABCD's" so our first week looked like this:
Workbooks or worksheets
15min break
journals or art or a science experiment
15 min break
a video on the letters, letter sounds etc, or a letter game.

Game one: We have the alphabet taped along the hallway wall and I wrote the capital and lower case letters on sticky notes in random order and they took turns matching the sticky notes to the letters on the wall.

Game two: Letter finishing. They each get a sheet with letters on it, they pull a foam letter out of the bin and match it to the letter on their sheet.

Game three: Letter BINGO. each child gets a BINGO card and I pull the foam letters out of the BIN and call out the letter and put a mark on their card. We do this 5 times so they each get a turn calling out the letters.

15 mins outside

Snack and reading

Normally we are done school before lunch depending on how long each activity takes.


I work in the afternoons and they have free play unless things took longer in the morning and we are finishing up.

Snack and I start dinner, usually 1 or more help me with dinner.

After snack, it's another 15 minutes outside.

In the mornings on the 15 minutes between I start laundry, tidy the main floor, answer clients, blog, empty and reload the dishwasher.



Baths, snacks, stories, teeth and bedtime snuggles.

I try to print everything I need at the start of the month, if not I do it at night after the kids are in bed.

I get a lot of printables right from google images. Such as searching ABC BINGO and just printing 4 different bingo cards so they don't get the same one each.

Even though I try to have everything together not every day goes according to the plan. Having children with special needs (or children in general) means following their cues for that day and some days are just tougher than others and that could mean very little seated school work or none at all. Sometimes I am just burnt out too (that happens to parents) and I need a break so we take the day and play.

Yes, I tidy A LOT but with 4 children, 3 adults and 2+ dogs (depending on fosters) you will never be able to eat off my floors.

Some of the videos we watched are: video 1

                                                            video 2 

I printed the BINGO from here.  

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