
Thursday, January 7, 2021

Jan 2021 workout challenge

You read that right I am starting new monthly challenges. 1 work out one and one other that we will see for far I get into 2021 before I forget that I was doing a challenge a month. I didn't get very far into 2020 before I forgot all about it. For my first challenge of 2021 it will be the squat challenge. I LOVE this one and I like to start the year off with this one because it makes me feel so good and squats are great for your body. On top of the squats, I will continue to do my morning and evening yoga as well as my evening walk. The walk will depend on if it is raining or not. Normally my squat challenge is to get to 100 squats in a row by building up to that each day. This time my goal is 250 squats per day. Figured since I already did this challenge so I should up my game. I don't do New Year's resolutions. I go by each day is a new start so for me it's redundant to make those. However; for the children, I would like them to each think of three goals they would like to have this year. Which I will cover in a different blog post. Do you do New Year's resolutions? Do have goals?

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