
Thursday, June 27, 2019

Plastic in your gum?

I had no idea this was even an issues until I was looking for a pattern for reusable bags when I came across this blog 

When I chew gum its Dentyne Ice 
But I really had no idea that gum contains plastic. Well it turns out this blog post  explains it all.

I tend to stay away from gun because I end up biting the inside of my mouth when I chew it, but for those who need to chew the gum they make natural gums that do not contain any plastics!

The blog think that I included will tell you all about those gums!

Anyway food for thought now back to finding a good reusable bag pattern. Do you know of any?

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Brain Doctor Take 1

Waiting since my first brain injury to see a doctor, ANY doctor about the injury was horrible, no one would take me on. Well then I second and third brain injury and finally was able to get into the brain injury clinic in London.

This is special clinic and very hard to get into.

The whole experience was amazing from the moment I got there.

I park the car, a man with a little dog parks next to me, he has had a stroke and now takes his dog EVERYWHERE he goes. I get to pet and love the little thing up. I walk into the wrong doors, and look completely lost. They redirect me to where I am actually supposed to be. I am early which is fine I have my crossword book.

I get registered and take a seat with my book. A nurse comes out and asks if I would like to moved to a darker quieter room until the doctor is ready for me. WOW that is a first someone who takes into consideration what a loud bright room does to me. She takes me to a room and turns the lights down, she asks me a million questions and I start to cry to because I don't want her to think I am crazy, or making it up or all the other nasty things Sarnia Hospital seems to think every time I go in and accuse me of just wanting pain meds, which I don't I can't even take pain meds because of the reaction to them. As I am crying and telling her something she says no no no that's normal it was actually my next question on the sheet, see look. OMG!!!! She was amazing and once the questions are finished she offers me a blanket and says if I need anything at all just peek my head out and she will come right away.

I sit for what feels like forever! It was about 30mins because the clock in there is fast lol. A student doctor comes in and asks me a million more questions, I answer as best I can and am crying again. I am not a crier but this is my last hope. No one at the Sarnia Hospital believes me, Dr.Keith my sports doctor is doing everything humanly possible to support and help me through all this and Dr.Campbell my personal doctor has been trying every neurologist across Ontario for 2 years to find someone who will take me on. This here, this apt is my last hope to not feel like I am crazy!

The doctor comes in about 20 mins later and she is AMAZING! She gets it! All of it! I explain that I don't feel pain normal because of the high dose of pain blockers I am on. She said no, you should be feeling no pain at all with pain blockers you are, but what is it at most of the time. We go over everything. She tries to touch my head but it hurts so bad to the touch.

I see it in her eyes and hear it in voice, I am not sure what it is yet but it scares me. She says we need to get this extreme pain under control before we can do anything else. This is the first time someone has called it extreme pain! This is the first time someone gets it! I ask her a few times about the other stuff going on because of the brain injury and she just keeps saying we have to get the pain under control first. That scares me.

Turns out the SUV door slamming on my head damaged the nerve at the back of the head/top of the spine area. This nerve controls the entire left side of the brain. This is my head feels like it does! OMG answers! She says its just like with your foot. Great well I know what has happened with my left foot, I am stuck like that rest of life according to doctors.

She says she wants to put on 100MG of progablin. Its another pain blocker, they want me up to 600MG before my next apt in Sept. If they can get this pain down enough to inject the nerve with freezing. The same freezing they use at the dentist. This has a change of resetting the nerve. So if it works then I wont be in extreme pain anymore, if it doesn't work, at least I will have some relief for a few hours. If it doesn't work I will be stuck with this pain for the rest of my life.

So now I take 250MG of pain blockers in the morning and 100MG at night for a week and each week I go up 100MG at bedtime until I am at 600MG.

Do I want to be on meds the rest of my life no! But I surely want to function, I want to live as normal of a life as a person with post traumatic brain injury syndrome can life.

Anyone who knows me, knows I don't cry, at least not in front of anyone its an alone activity. Yesterday for the first time in my life I broke down in a doctors office. I broke down because the pain in unbearable day to day. I broke down because this was my last chance at help. I broke down because until now no one understood. No one got it!

Yesterday wouldn't have been possible if I didn't keep asking for help. I may be like this rest of my life, I may be in pain like this the rest of my life. But I know I am not crazy like the hospital made me feel.

When your in pain like this everyday you start to wonder if it is just in your head, yes, yes it is in my head literately a damaged nerve in my head!!!

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Are you easy?

Easy to get along with that is. Today I am asking myself if I am easy to get along.

I would like to say yes right off the hop because I am easy going, pretty good at holding it all together and inside. I mind my business, am a good listener and give good advice.

I like to think with the right mind set everyone is easy to get along with, some people just take more effort to control my responses and reactions.

But that is coming from me, and we all like to hope that we are putting our best foot forward so maybe in the eyes of others I am not easy to get along with. I decided to take this questions to those who know me best.

My Sister: I figured she would say that I am not easy to get along with because well she is my little sister and sisters don't always get along. What she actually said was "most of the time why?" When I asked her what made me easy to get along with she said "I donno lol"

Connely: Thinking he would say no, because I am strong willed and a pain in the arse when I can't decide where to go for dinner. "Sure why?" and when asked what makes me easy to get a long with or why am I easy to get a long with he said "I donno, why ask me a question I don't know the answer too"

Richard: He has known me for 20 years and I am sure he is going to say no lol or unless you piss me off.  "You can be but your extremely stubborn sometimes"  was his response and when I asked what makes me easy to get along with me said "I didn't know that was a personality flaw" lol

So I guess I am easy to get along with for the most part!

Do you think your easy to get along with? What do you think your family would say about you?

Monday, June 24, 2019

Boys with long hair!

My son is 4 almost 5 and has always had long hair, he loves it. You ask him if he wants a hair cut and his answer is always no.

Hair cutting is a sensory issue for him. First he's not a fan of people touching him, doesn't do well with loud noises and he's not good with change.

So hair cutting is a screaming nightmare and really hard on him, we have tried twice. He wants his long hair that is just fine with me.

He is like girls with long hair who hate their hair being brushed but he will let me do it.

People call him a girl all the time and he just corrects them, no I am a boy I have a penis is his normal answer.

Most of my family and his dad's family give us grief about his long hair but we feel it is his hair, his body, his choice. His grandfather on his dad's side went as far as cutting 1/2 his hair when Blaine started to freak out!!! Blaine was so upset about it.  I lost it on him because 1 it isn't his child and 2 it isn't his hair or his body!

I know so many boys and men with long hair, I don't see why people need to make an issue out of it. I made him a shirt that say "Yes I am a boy, I just have better hair than you" this week and his dad has decided to grow his hair long again too.

Children have so little control of anything in their little lives we can at least allow them to have control over what happens to their bodies!

Women have short hair and no one bats an eye but a little boy with long hair and everyone is up in arms.

Friday, June 21, 2019

Not so little white dog

I got an urgent message from a women pleading I go pick up her sons dog from people who had her.

I will save you all the details because most of them are lies.

She is a 120lbs Scotts American Bull Dog 2 years old

She deserved a better start to life.

Little miss came from a backyard breeder who bred their male to get a female they could use for breeding.

Sweet miss was only kept to use to make money. Sweet miss never got training, socialization etc

At 120lbs she wants to kill ALL dogs. She can not be walked because as soon as she sees a dog even across a park she tries to attack. 2 muzzles later we rotate my poor dogs with her. She even tries to kill them though the gate.

Fighting a 120lbs to prevent her from trying to kill the neighbours asshole of a dog is no easy task.

People think that its okay, just put her on a farm. Well here is the thing is there a 100% chance that she will never encounter another animal for the next 12 years? No, if someone with no experience tries to break up a dog fight they could be seriously injured even though she wouldn't mean too. If a child got in the way? That child could be seriously injured or worse. If she kills or seriously injuries another animal?

These are the questions we have to ask ourselves it isn't fair to the little miss to live like this either. The high alert and anxiety she is feeling breaks my heart. She deserved better from the start some might say and I 100% agree but at the same time she might just we wired this way.

When she came into care her ear were like leather, black inside, red and swollen from not being cared for properly. She is on special meds and food for allergies and of course daily ear care, even with all that she has wounds from itching 24/7.

I was her fifth and final stop in her short life. I healed her ears, cared for and loved her but in the end that wasn't enough to help her over come her severe dog aggression. She ripped Bosscos ear to chin twice and Bossco loves ALL dogs.

People please train your dogs, socialize your dogs and work with your dogs from day one because at 120lbs they become a risk that is not only a liability but the guilt I would feel if she killed or hurt a human or another would kill me.

In the end the person who kept her just for breeding gets off with nothing and my wounds from breaking up dog fights are healing and my heart is breaking from having to say good bye to yet another furry friend who didn't have the life they deserved because of irresponsible breeders!

You bred to have her
You kept her to bred her
You sent her to 4 homes
She met me
She knew kindness
She knew Love
You will do it again
I cry into lifeless fur

We can not save them all but we can at least make their goodbyes as painless as possible.


Thursday, June 20, 2019

Homeschool trip: Storybook gardens

Yes May and June are pretty much fully book for homeschool trips because where we live we try to get as many outdoor activities in while the the weather is nice and before most families end the homeschool year until Sept!

The homeschool trip to Storybook was awesome. The kids had soooo much fine. We had fun too. I went on the rides with Blaine expect the train Sarah did the train. Our group was booked to do the hand on science show at 11:30 but it was too loud for Blaine and Josh so we decided to skip it and let the kids decide what they wanted to do.

There was so much to see and do. We started out at the pretend houses and the kids played pretend store, vet office, fire fighters, farmers and OMG the hilarity of the bounce rabbits and pigs still makes me giggle thinking about it.

There is a a giant bounce pillow that was really cool and they went on that twice!

They did the mud pit for a little bit but it wasn't really muddy it was mainly sand with other parents asking their kids not to play with the hoses so we were not there long.

We did the Splash pad which has gotten so much bigger and better than it was last time we were there. The kids played in the water until they were cold and hungry and then we had sun while they dried in the sun.

The ride on bike were new to us, but Blaine hopped right on and away he went and even when there wasn't a bike for him at that moment he ran around the track and still had a blast!

The pirate play ground area is my favourite, that day there wasn't much seating in the shade but kids had a blast and when they were tired and it was almost time for us to leave anyway we did the rides. Blaine was only tall enough to do two on his own so I went on with him for the Farris wheel, YUP I am still terrified of heights! He asked me to go on the elephants with him which I did and it was a tight squeeze for my legs I am not sure how tall moms would get in there. They did the slide sacks twice and had so much fun! The bigger kids did the swings while we did the elephants.

On our way out we stopped at the carousel which for some reason didn't have music. Blaine asked me to stand on with him while he road a horse which I regretted because of the brain injury. Everyone walked over to ride the train, which I HATE with a passion so Sarah road with them the first ride and the second ride he road with the older kids alone.

I am so proud of him over coming his fears!

It was a long, hot but amazing day!

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

killing with kindness

Enabling kills and you will kill them.

Choosing between killing yourself watching them or burying them before they have a chance to know peace is never easy.

We tell ourselves that we are protecting them, that this time our love will be enough. We tell ourselves that love can fix anything. No, no it can't, I don't know who invented that phrase but apparently they never met an addict. Unless maybe they were talking about self love, but I doubt that.

Your actions will kill them. You not allowing them to ever hit rock bottom, you not ever letting them fall and struggle to get back up. You not allowing them see how strong they really are and how worth it they really are, isn't showing them love at all.

We all do it, we lie for them, cover for them and protect them from anything that might trigger a bad reaction or them to plunge head first into their addictions. We live in a world where we walk on egg shells to try and prevent those triggers, here is the thing though, those triggers are going to happen no matter what we do.

When we prevent the addict from falling, when we prevent them from hitting that rock bottom we cause that bottom to get further away from them. The longer we stay under them, the longer it will take them to find their rock bottom and hopefully their own recovery.

We can be kind but not a door mat, we can be kind but the not peace keeper, we can be kind but not the buffer, and we can be kind but not in control.

Somehow, somewhere we confused kindness with permissiveness and self sacrifice Kindness doesn't mean protect them, it doesn't mean prevent bad things from happening to them, it doesn't mean "light ourselves on fire to warm them". What kindness means is listening, understanding, being there when they are ready, living our lives and allowing them to hit rock bottom before they die.

The thing is this type of kindness we have on the day to day for the addict will not only kill them but ourselves too and in the end they still wont be clean or sober and we will be just as broken as them or worse.

Show them kindness by going to meetings and invite them along, invite them to events etc, show them kindness by healing yourself so your strong enough when they are ready for the changes the will come (let me tell it is no picnic and sometimes you will think things were better before they got clean/sober), show them kindness by creating safe boundaries for you and your family, and show them kindness by allowing natural consequences to run their course.

You are going to want to fix everything and make it better, you are going to want to protect them, you are going to want to do all kinds of things for them, but this isn't kindness to an addict. To an addict this type of kindness is a reason for them to keep doing what they are doing, it is a reason for them to keep acting and treating people the way they always have, this kindness will kill them!

Yes, the real kindness is going to upset the apple cart, yes it is going to make them mad, it is going to make a lot of things happen. Make sure you are safe at all times, remember your safety and the safety of your family comes first if you are ever in danger call 911 right away.

The real kindness is going to lead down a scary road that is going to force you to stop focusing on them and their issues and start focusing on yours!

You got this! You are strong! Don't kill yourself or them with kindness!!!

Monday, June 17, 2019

Homeschool trip: Rock Glen Picnic

Sarah works so hard to put things together for the local homeschool group and this trip is one of them. We all get together and meet at the park in Rock Glen where families can walk the trails, kids can play and of course we all pack our own picnics.

I get asked at least once a day if I socialize my child, this is the same question I ask people who need help training their dogs. I fight to answer with "no we hide in the house 24/7".

Ask me anything you want about homeschooling and I am always happy to answer any and all questions because it isn't the norm for most families but there is a difference between asking a question because you are curious and asking a question because you are being judgemental and yes we can tell the difference.

The picnic as always is a blast the kids "socialize" and the adults "socialize".

Blaine loves the trails and as always loves hiking. Any chance to hang out with Ben and Josh he loves! The park isn't great but Sarah always brings outdoor things to do and of course Blaine and I always have sand and outside toys in the back of the SUV for the homeschool chat and plays.

The water levels are way up this year so the falls at rock glen are raging like crazy!

The first park was crazy busy with 4 buses full of children from schools in one tiny park so we decided the park with the wide open field was the best bet!

All the homeschool kids played in the water pretty much the entire time we were there so outdoor toys and games were not needed. They had a blast, so did the parents. We all sat and chit chated, some went in the water the rest of us who are not a fan of cold water stayed on the rocks.

The only trails we really walked was from the car to the park, from the park to the water, from the water to the park and from the park to the car. As always they are clean and well maintained.

Monday, June 10, 2019

I want I want I want...but for cheap

Reading posts looking for custom made cakes or anything for that matter but that want it cheap or "reasonably priced". Here is the thing, would you want your boss to say to you I want you to do this work but for $5.00 an hour because they feel its a "reasonable" price for your work. Would you do it? Would you find a new job? Would you feel devalued because you know your work is worth more?

Well this goes the same for those of us who create from home.

I did a cake and cupcakes for a friend this weekend so I didn't charge for it, but when people complain about prices, CUSTOM ISN'T CHEAP! If you want cheap go to Walmart.

What I would have charged for someone other than a friend 78 cupcakes and 6" cake is $130.00

How my costs break down and my time.

Cost to make 78 cupcakes and a 6" cake: $16.00
Time: 3 hours

Cost to make fondant for 78 cupcakes and a 6" cake: $10.00
Time: 4 hours

Cost to make the chocolate horns: $20.00
Time: 3 hours

Cost to Ice 78 cupcakes and a 10" cake: $34.00 (I use real butter)
Time: 4.5 hours

Hydro usage: $30.00

Total Cost: $110.00
Total Time: 14.5 hours

Which makes my time worth: $1.34 an hour........

What is your time worth?

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Open Adoption

Real Life Talk

A few weeks ago someone tried to use Owens adoption against me, it didn't work. Judgment comes in all forms when you choose adoption for your child, be it harsh and mean or unintentional but it comes from people who either are uneducated about adoption or just try and get under your skin. I try to use these moments to educate people instead of getting angry and upset.

In my situation adoption was the best thing I could have ever done for my son. At 6 months pregnant I decided open adoption was my best route for him. The bio dad was with a women who was threatening to kill my son and myself and she was pregnant herself. We almost lost the house. I was not in a state were I could provide a financial or stable home for him. I contacted Beginnings adoption agency who were amazing.

I sifted through profile after profile of amazing families but one really stuck out. They were like me, the adoptive father had a childhood kind of like mine. They had tried for 10 years to have children of their own and waited on the adoption list for half that time. They kept getting over looked because of the adoptive fathers childhood. I met with them and fell in love with both of them. They were the perfect match!

But they had been down this road before with a little baby girl and the mom changed her mind. I told them to please set up the nursery it would make me feel better to see that he had his own space. They did, we talked all the time and met a few times for before I gave birth to Owen.

My pregnancy and childbirth with Owen was hard. I had chronic kidney infections and was on antibiotics the whole time. I went into kidney failure at one point. I had toxemia. I spent most of my time on "bed rest". My water broke a month before I actually gave birth, the doctor said I must have peed myself.

I was induced at 6pm on Nov 25th 2009, I started what I had been dealing for a month and just walked it off. Nurse came in and it turns out those pains I just walked off for a month were active labour pains and I was moved into the delivery room. Where for the next 24 hours I was sick and kept telling them something was wrong. My OB came in at points checked me with zero progress I never dilated at ALL and then he broke my waters at some point. This was funny, well for me anyway. He said your gonna feel a gush, he broke my waters and NOTHING happened. I said TOLD YOU I DIDN'T PEE MY SELF!. he looked shocked and left. After more time passed he came back in and freaked out on the nurses that he wasn't called in sooner, I was in and out of consciousness, I was sick and kept saying something was wrong but they just kept telling it was my first and I didn't know what I was talking about.

They rush me into an operating room, I watching the monitors and I was watching my sons heart rate drop to 0 I ask what that means and pass out. My mom and Richard are taken the baby, no bracelets no idea where I am or what is going on, no idea what to do with the baby.

Hours pass before I am brought to a room, no one was told anything not even about what happened while I was gone for hours. The nurse checks my incision, its open. They call the OB in. He says the staple gun malfunctioned and in all his years he has never seen that happen. So they tape me up, I am allergic to tape and adhesive but have no other choices. The catheter is causing burning pain, the nurse has trouble removing it, turns out they used a latex one even after I asked before they put it to make sure it wasn't latex.

My stay was horrible. I wasn't allowed visitors because of H1N1 the hospital was on lock down so I spent most of my time alone. 

My night nurse didn't agree with my adoption plan and with held my pains meds and because of my allergies all I could have was T3's so it wasn't like they did much at all.

The counselor at the hospital had no idea about adoption or anything like that and made things worse.

The amazing lady that worked with me through beginnings put in complaints about my care and treatment to the hospital and I hope that doing that made changes for future moms who choose adoption.

The choice for adoption isn't easy and I went back and forth the whole time at the hospital. I decided at one point I couldn't do it. The adoptive parents only response was "Can we will be apart of your life" That question, that moment made the decision for me. They were the best choice, They came up and seen me and the baby. They were not allowed to bring me flowers or a card because in Canada it is seen as paying for the baby and that is illegal.

The day of the adoption ceremony, the moment the adoptive parents had waited so many years for came. In the photos you can see how happy they are and it makes my heart smile. I look like walking dead.

I told Richard that if it felt like I was forgetting something then I couldn't go through with it but when I left the hospital with my bags I didn't feel that way at all. Yes I felt broken, but I felt a peace for him and them.

A week or two after I had Owen I went down to see them, I had to see that he was okay. They messaged every day and I loved them for it!

My son is with the BEST family anyone could ever want, they support him no matter his choices, he travels, plays sports and just has so much love around him.

Over the years seeing him grow and learn and watching him become the young man I wished him to be makes me grateful that I had the opportunity to help a couple become an amazing family!

When people try to use my sons adoption to hurt me it doesn't work because I know my son is in the best possible place!!!