
Monday, June 17, 2019

Homeschool trip: Rock Glen Picnic

Sarah works so hard to put things together for the local homeschool group and this trip is one of them. We all get together and meet at the park in Rock Glen where families can walk the trails, kids can play and of course we all pack our own picnics.

I get asked at least once a day if I socialize my child, this is the same question I ask people who need help training their dogs. I fight to answer with "no we hide in the house 24/7".

Ask me anything you want about homeschooling and I am always happy to answer any and all questions because it isn't the norm for most families but there is a difference between asking a question because you are curious and asking a question because you are being judgemental and yes we can tell the difference.

The picnic as always is a blast the kids "socialize" and the adults "socialize".

Blaine loves the trails and as always loves hiking. Any chance to hang out with Ben and Josh he loves! The park isn't great but Sarah always brings outdoor things to do and of course Blaine and I always have sand and outside toys in the back of the SUV for the homeschool chat and plays.

The water levels are way up this year so the falls at rock glen are raging like crazy!

The first park was crazy busy with 4 buses full of children from schools in one tiny park so we decided the park with the wide open field was the best bet!

All the homeschool kids played in the water pretty much the entire time we were there so outdoor toys and games were not needed. They had a blast, so did the parents. We all sat and chit chated, some went in the water the rest of us who are not a fan of cold water stayed on the rocks.

The only trails we really walked was from the car to the park, from the park to the water, from the water to the park and from the park to the car. As always they are clean and well maintained.

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