
Friday, June 21, 2019

Not so little white dog

I got an urgent message from a women pleading I go pick up her sons dog from people who had her.

I will save you all the details because most of them are lies.

She is a 120lbs Scotts American Bull Dog 2 years old

She deserved a better start to life.

Little miss came from a backyard breeder who bred their male to get a female they could use for breeding.

Sweet miss was only kept to use to make money. Sweet miss never got training, socialization etc

At 120lbs she wants to kill ALL dogs. She can not be walked because as soon as she sees a dog even across a park she tries to attack. 2 muzzles later we rotate my poor dogs with her. She even tries to kill them though the gate.

Fighting a 120lbs to prevent her from trying to kill the neighbours asshole of a dog is no easy task.

People think that its okay, just put her on a farm. Well here is the thing is there a 100% chance that she will never encounter another animal for the next 12 years? No, if someone with no experience tries to break up a dog fight they could be seriously injured even though she wouldn't mean too. If a child got in the way? That child could be seriously injured or worse. If she kills or seriously injuries another animal?

These are the questions we have to ask ourselves it isn't fair to the little miss to live like this either. The high alert and anxiety she is feeling breaks my heart. She deserved better from the start some might say and I 100% agree but at the same time she might just we wired this way.

When she came into care her ear were like leather, black inside, red and swollen from not being cared for properly. She is on special meds and food for allergies and of course daily ear care, even with all that she has wounds from itching 24/7.

I was her fifth and final stop in her short life. I healed her ears, cared for and loved her but in the end that wasn't enough to help her over come her severe dog aggression. She ripped Bosscos ear to chin twice and Bossco loves ALL dogs.

People please train your dogs, socialize your dogs and work with your dogs from day one because at 120lbs they become a risk that is not only a liability but the guilt I would feel if she killed or hurt a human or another would kill me.

In the end the person who kept her just for breeding gets off with nothing and my wounds from breaking up dog fights are healing and my heart is breaking from having to say good bye to yet another furry friend who didn't have the life they deserved because of irresponsible breeders!

You bred to have her
You kept her to bred her
You sent her to 4 homes
She met me
She knew kindness
She knew Love
You will do it again
I cry into lifeless fur

We can not save them all but we can at least make their goodbyes as painless as possible.


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